Trump Fluffer Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Is Terrified of ‘Terror Babies’ Crossing The Border

Trump Fluffer Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is one of the most vile individuals in the U.S. Senate. Just this year:

Lindsey “Stonewall” Graham tried to help Donald Trump steal the election in Georgia, for which he is under investigation by the Fulton County D.A. Graham’s post-election Call with Raffensperger will be scrutinized in Georgia probe.

Lindsey “Stonewall” Graham also acted as a legal “advisor” to Trump’s legal defense team during the impeachment trial, violating his oath to be an impartial juror.

In an Axios interview last week, Graham told Jonathan Swan “What I’m tryin’ to do is just harness the magic.” “To me, Donald Trump is sort of a cross between Jesse Helms, Ronald Reagan and P.T. Barnum.” (Somehow he left out George Wallace). “Mitt Romney didn’t do it. John McCain didn’t do it. [They were not autocratic racists.] There’s something about Trump.” “There’s a dark side [autocratic racist] and there’s some magic there. “He could make the Republican Party something that nobody else I know can make it. [The American Fascist Party]. He can make it bigger. He can make it stronger. He can make it more diverse. And he also could destroy it,” Graham said. Graham deals with Trump “dark side” to “harness the magic”.

Lindsey “Stonewall” Graham has crawled so far up Donald Trump’s ass that he bumped into Sean Hannity. What this racist cracker is really saying is that Trump’s racist appeals to white grievance politics could swing just enough votes in enough swing states, like he did in 2016, to put the authoritarian GQP back in power so they can complete their unsuccessful January 6 coup d’état to end American democracy, and to install a tyranny of the GQP minority. It is all about acquiring and abusing power for this neoconfederate cracker.

The Checks and Balances Project (CBP), a nonpartisan investigative group, has written to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell requesting that Graham immediately be removed from the Senate Judiciary Committee over his attempt to pressure a Georgia election official to reverse the former president’s stunning loss in the state. Watchdog group: Strip Lindsey Graham of Judiciary Committee post over Georgia phone call:

“My question to you is this,” CBP executive director Scott Peterson wrote to McConnell, in a letter sent Monday night that was provided to Salon. “Is it appropriate for a Senator to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee when he is under investigation for such a serious crime?” 

“Someone who engages in that type of activity doesn’t belong on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee,” Peterson told Salon. “In this country, every vote counts. The right to vote is the backbone of our democracy. And instead of fighting for the Constitution and democracy, Sen. Graham called … Raffensperger to try to get him to throw away votes and rig the election.”

But wait! It gets worse.

Now this racist cracker is channeling the stupidest member of Congress, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who in 2010 gave us the infamous “terror babies” meme. (Video: Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert and state Rep. Debbie Riddle’s most memorable moments as they press the case for the “terror baby” security threat).

That’s right, this racist cracker Senator Lindsey “Stonewall” Graham is going back to the well of the Tea Party in 2010 to revive ‘Terror babies’: The new immigration scare tactic.

You Might Be a Racist If… you think terrorists and Mexicans are deliberately coming to the US to have babies who, as American citizens, will then later attack you and destroy your way of life. (h/t graphic, right).

The Daily Beast reports, Lindsey Graham Says He’s Scared of ‘Terrorist’ Children Crossing the Border:

Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina senator and allegedly a grown adult man, has confessed that he’s living in fear of the children who are crossing the border into the United States. Speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, the Republican congressman said that, while those children might look innocent now, he’s worried they could grow up to be terrorists. In a barb at President Joe Biden’s immigration policies, Graham said: “People will be coming… by the hundreds of thousands by the summer. It is a humanitarian crisis. It’s going to be an economic crisis for our cities along the border, and eventually is going to be a national security crisis, because they’re children today but they could easily be terrorists tomorrow.” Graham went on to warn that, as the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks approaches, “Al Qaeda and ISIS would love nothing more than to hit us again.” However, it must be noted that none of the 9/11 terrorists were children.

Um, scared Little Lindsey, hiding under your bed from imaginary “terror babies,” the terrorists you ought be concerned about are the full-grown adult heavily armed domestic terrorists in the January 6 seditious insurrection by MAGA/QAnon cult members in the nation’s Capitol, you know, the ones you gave aid and comfort to by helping Donald Trump try to steal the election in Georgia… the ones for which you are currently trying to block a January 6 Insurrection Commission investigation in an attempt to gaslight Americans into believing that the insurrection never really happened.

Can’t we just let bygones be bygones and move on?” HELL NO! Everyone there that day gets arrested and prosecuted and sent to prison. And that should include the 147 Republican lawmakers who still objected to the election results after the Capitol attack, proving aid and comfort to these domestic terrorists. (Lucky for scared Little Lindsey, he voted to certify the results after berating Capitol Police about protecting him from the violent Trump mob).

I’m hoping that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Atlanta lawyer John Floyd, the man who wrote the book on state prosecutions under the RICO statute, find enough evidence to prosecute this racist cracker right out of the U.S. Senate.

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2 thoughts on “Trump Fluffer Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Is Terrified of ‘Terror Babies’ Crossing The Border”

  1. Lindsey the human weather vane. To bad there is no B.S. detector as of yet. I’m sure he would hit 100.

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