Trump inspired Christmas tune parodies

The Russia collusion investigation into Donald Trump has inspired a few new Christmas tune parodies this year that people have forwarded to me (I know that there are more out there on the Internet).

The first is a remake of the children’s Christmas tune “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” Listen to “I Want a Papadopoulos For Christmas” from Rocky Mountain Mike.

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The second is a remake of Eartha Kitt’s classic “Santa Baby” which most of you are probably more familiar with by Madonna. This is a sing-along “Mueller Baby” which is witty and fun. My favorite. Watch the video.

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Rocky Mountain Mike also has a parody of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Listen to “The Twelve Days of Trumpness.”

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If you want to draw attention to other worthy Trump inspired Christmas tune parodies, post a link in the comments.

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11 thoughts on “Trump inspired Christmas tune parodies”

    • Yeah, John, thanks for proving once again that all the good humor is on the left.

      Your gift will be stacked next to the other rejects. Do you have a receipt? Oh, I forgot, y’all don’t have receipts. You just make things up.

      I hope you got a lump of coal in your stocking yesterday.

    • What’s that you say Senator? Please take Trump’s member out of your mouth. Unintelligible speaking while you’re gorging on it is very very unbecoming!

    • The song pushes the alt-right and Trump narrative of fake news based on pre-election polling.

      If a poll said HRC had an 86% chance of winning, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong when Trump won.

      It means Trump beat the odds. You alt-righters should be crowing about beating the odds.

      It’s disappointing that our state reps do not understand how math works.

      • Why would they want to draw attention to sexual misconduct when Trump is right there with the worst of them according to his own admission?

        The election was over a year ago. Seems like they could get past attacking Hillary Clinton and move on to something more current.

        And taking down statues? Failing to mention those are statues of traitors that were erected to intimidate the descendants of formerly enslaved people.

        And ridiculing the NFL players protesting police brutality and killings? Like that is some kind of joke to them?

        But Trump “works” for free. Oh, but he “plays” to the tune of 90 million dollars so far, give or take a few million. Maybe he should get paid for his “work” and pay for his own golf outings.

        The imagery in this idiotic mess is so offensive. The worst image is at 1:28 where they have Trump kicking down Obama. And that is probably the favorite for Trump’s followers. It just oozes white supremacy and racism which is really all he’s got for them.


    • Funny how so many zealots on both sides of the ideological divide lose their sense of humor. To quote our president, “Very sad.”

      • Please identify where the humor was in the video you posted, JK. What was funny?

        Your finding so much amusement in human suffering seems to indicate something a great deal worse than “zealots” lacking a sense of humor.

      • “Funny how so many zealots on both sides of the ideological divide lose their sense of humor. To quote our president, “Very sad.””

        You realize you said this on a blog post filled with humorous holiday songs mocking your pussy grabbing idol.

        And liberals are having a good laugh at your party’s expense daily, if you don’t believe me, ask your pussy-grabbing idol, who complains about SNL and the late night comedians all the time in his very manly Twitter feed.

        You really need to start thinking through your comments before you post.

        You’re doing that thing fake conservatives do when they have nothing to say, they just make something up.

        Lordy, you are an idiot.

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