Trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to serve as president – invoke the 25th Amendment

There has never been any question that our always insecure egomaniacal Twitter-troll-in-chief is a serious head case. He is mentally and emotionally unfit to serve as president.

The one and only true statement that White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders made this past week was ‘America knew what they were getting’: Sarah Huckabee Sanders blames you for Trump’s despicable tweets.

Trump’s unhinged attacks on the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe over the past week, Lawmakers blast Trump’s ‘crude, false, and unpresidential’ CNN tweet, is just the latest skirmish in a war against the independent media and the First Amendment that he has been waging since announcing that he was a candidate for office.

The first thing that any autocratic authoritarian leader does is to silence the independent media, often having reporters arrested and jailed, or even killed. The authoritarian state establishes its own media as the sole voice of what is truth.

Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted that all independent media that is critical of him is “fake news.” Trump’s media team openly states that they are creating an “alternate reality” with “alternative facts” (i.e., propaganda). Trump regularly tells his sycophant supporters that only he can be believed — even though it is well documented that virtually everything he says is a demonstrable lie, Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List — and during his campaign he encouraged his supporters to engage in violence against reporters. Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening.

Over the weekend our mentally disturbed Twitter-troll-in-chief attacked MSNBC and CNN, defending his use of social media in series of bizarre tweets. Here’s just a sample.

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And then today we learn that Trump Tweets a Video of Him Wrestling ‘CNN’ to the Ground:

President Trump posted a short video to his Twitter account on Sunday in which he is portrayed wrestling and punching a figure whose head has been replaced by the logo for CNN.

The video, about 28 seconds long, appears to be an edited clip from a years-old appearance by Mr. Trump in WrestleMania, an annual professional wrestling event. The clip ends with an onscreen restyling of the CNN logo as “FNN: Fraud News Network.”

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Cartoonish in quality, the video is an unorthodox way for a sitting president to express himself. But Mr. Trump has ratcheted up his attacks on the news media in recent days — assailing CNN and crudely insulting the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” — while defending his use of social media as “modern day presidential.”

Trump appears to promote violence against CNN with tweet:

The video clip apparently had been posted days earlier on Reddit, a popular social media message board. The president’s tweet was the latest escalation in his beef with CNN over its coverage of him and his administration.

A White House spokeswoman with the traveling press corps hotel here in Bridgewater, N.J., a few miles from Trump’s golf club, declined to address questions about the tweet. Trump has no public events planned for Sunday; his schedule lists phone calls Sunday night with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He is scheduled to return to Washington on Monday evening and participate in an Independence Day event at the White House on Tuesday.

* * *

In a statement tweeted out by CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, CNN called it “a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters.” The network cited Trump’s “juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.”

The company’s communications department Twitter account responded to Trump’s tweet by quoting White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sandersduring a briefing last week when she said: “The president in no way form or fashion has ever promoted or encouraged violence. If anything, quite the contrary.”

In the statement, CNN said: “Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so.”

Of course, Trump’s sycophant supporters “noted on social media that the violence in professional wrestling is simulated and that the president was making a symbolic point about ‘fake news’ coverage of him.” But there has been actual violence against reporters as a result of Trump’s constant encouragement of attacks on the independent media.

Enough is enough. Trump’s conduct is not just unpresidential and demeaning to the office of the presidency, his conduct is undermining the very values and mores of democracy. I believe that is his ultimate goal, to undermine all of our democratic principles to make the imposition of his authoritarian rule possible.  As Dr. Steven Jonas noted, Fascism in the 21st Century:

When we are looking at 21st century fascism, in the context of what is happening in certain of the capitalist states, at the present particularly in the United States, it should be noted that it is entirely possible that wholesale violence will not be required for its introduction. Nor will a maximum leader necessarily be required. Like the fog in the famous, ultra-short poem by the U.S. person Carl Sandburg, it may well come in “on little cat feet.”

It is the gradual erosion of all that we have held dear for over 240 years, to be replaced by Trumpism, the new American fascism. America’s descent into the darkness of ‘Trumpism,’ the new American fascism.

There are Democrats taking steps to resist this authoritarian mad man. Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support:

25 House Democrats, including the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, are now pushing an equally radical alternative: They are backing a bill that would create a congressional “oversight” commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

At 12:56 p.m. Thursday, barely four hours after Trump tweeted attacks against MSNBC cable host Mika Brzezinski in crude, personal terms, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the chief sponsor of the bill, sent out an email to his colleagues, urging them to get behind the measure, writing it was of “enduring importance to the security of our nation.”

“In case of emergency, break glass,” Raskin told Yahoo News in an interview. “If you look at the record of things that have happened since January, it is truly a bizarre litany of events and outbursts.” Asked if Trump’s latest tweets attacking Brzezinski and her co-host Joe Scarborough — which were roundly condemned by members of both parties as beneath the dignity of his office — strengthened the grounds for invoking the 25th Amendment, Raskin replied: “I assume every human being is allowed one or two errant and seemingly deranged tweets. The question is whether you have a sustained pattern of behavior that indicates something is seriously wrong.” After Trump’s Thursday morning tweets, four more Democrats signed on to Raskin’s bill, his office said Friday. (Brzezinski and Scarborough’s response to Trump’s tweets ran in today’s Washington Post under the headline, “The President is not well.” White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump’s tweets Thursday, saying he “fights fire with fire.”)

To be sure, even Raskin acknowledges Congress and the country are in largely uncharted waters. The 25th Amendment was adopted in 1967 . . . One of its provisions, known as Section 4, empowers the vice president along with a majority of the Cabinet to make a determination that a president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties” of the office, and then provide it in writing to Congress, resulting in the president’s removal. It’s a step that has never been taken.

But Raskin, a former constitutional law professor, has seized on some largely overlooked language in Section 4 as the basis for his bill. It turns out it doesn’t have to be the Cabinet that makes a finding of presidential incapacity. The section also permits “such other body as Congress may by law provide” — along with the vice president — to reach the same conclusion.

Yet in the 50 years since the 25th Amendment took effect, Congress has never set up such a body. Raskin’s bill would do so. It calls for the creation of an “Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity.” The commission would be a nonpartisan panel appointed by congressional leaders composed of four physicians, four psychiatrists and three others — such as former presidents, vice presidents or other former senior U.S. government officials. The commission, if directed by Congress through a concurrent resolution, would be empowered to conduct an examination of the president “to determine whether the president is incapacitated, either mentally or physically.”

The 25th Amendment itself says nothing about the guidelines for making such a determination, much less what kinds of perceived mental illnesses would make a president unable to perform his duties. But Raskin, who first introduced his bill in April, said that he’s been getting increased interest in the legislation among colleagues, including Republicans who have privately approached him about it on the House floor. “I’ve had tons of inquiries, and lots of colleagues have been talking to me about it,” he said. “I’m convinced most Americans believe we are living in a very strange reality. … The question is, what are the escape routes we have, and the 25th Amendment is one of them.”

Raskin’s bill so far has been quietly picking up support in the Democratic caucus. Among the co-sponsors who have signed are Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee (and the only member of Congress who was around when the 25th Amendment was enacted), and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the former chair of the Democratic National Committee.

But despite some talk of the 25th Amendment option in conservative circles — New York Times columnist Ross Douthat recently urged that it be considered and National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy tweeted about it Thursday — so far no Republican members of Congress have signed on to the idea. “It’s really a political decision,” said Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., who has also co-sponsored Raskin’s bill. While many of his GOP colleagues are, in the privacy of the House cloakroom, “shaking their heads” and “embarrassed” by the president, “they can’t say anything publicly” given the core support Trump has so far retained among their base, he said.

Indeed, in some respects, the political obstacles to executing the 25th Amendment are even greater than impeachment, notes Joel K. Goldstein, a professor of law at St. Louis University. Under its provisions, if a president challenged a finding of incapacity and demanded that he or she be reinstalled in office, it would require two-thirds of both chambers to block the commander-in-chief from doing so. (By contrast, it only takes a majority of the House to impeach a president, although two-thirds of the Senate must vote to convict and remove the president.)

Moreover, as Goldstein notes, even if Congress were to create the body called for in Raskin’s bill, it couldn’t act to declare the president incapacitated without the concurrence of the vice president. That means Vice President Mike Pence could effectively block any move to invoke the 25th Amendment option. “The vice president is a necessary party. He effectively has a veto,” said Goldstein. “He’s a deal breaker.”

Still, Raskin is undeterred. “The question is, where are we going to be six months, 12 months, 18 months from now? The presidency is considered extremely stressful for people with the strongest mental health.

Americans elected a man they knew was emotionally and mentally unfit to serve as president. Trump’s mental deterioration is progressively getting worse each and every day. It is time to invoke the 25th Amendment, or impeach him. Trump has to go.

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39 thoughts on “Trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to serve as president – invoke the 25th Amendment”

  1. Hey AZ, I need to report an issue with your blog.

    I’m sure that by now one of the fake conservatives would have responded to the comments made by NRA board member Ted Nugent, the ones about Obama sucking on his machine gun.

    But those posts from the fake conservatives aren’t showing up. I’m sure by now they’ve cancelled their NRA memberships and have disavowed in no uncertain terms the statements made by the admitted pedophile.

    Let me try this one….

    Russia, if you’re listening, and you can find those posts from the fake conservatives disavowing one of their own calling the Obama to suck his gun, you will be greatly rewarded, believe me.

    No one here has even seen the stupid play they’re all wetting themselves over, but I posted video of Nugent’s statements.

    Conservatives: the outrage is fake, but the hypocrisy is real.

    • Oh, Tom! I didn’t know you cared so much about our comments. If comments about Ted Nugent are important to you, I will respond. I’ll be your huckleberry…

      Ted Nugent is an idiot for saying what he said on stage, but he is an outstanding NRA Board Member who carries out his duties in a splendid manner. He is a BIG advocate of the 2nd Amendment, and like you leftists, I figured out a long time ago that we cannot exclude people from our ranks because they are not angels with pure records. There are very few saints in this world and you often have to look at the totality of the person. Do you remember Robert Byrd? Ted Nugent does great work for the NRA and he has my support as an NRA Board Member. He is also a lousy rock star who says stupid things in that persona and whose albums I can’t stand. But he is VERY effective when it comes to the 2nd Amendment.

      “Conservatives: the outrage is fake…”

      Maybe…we are learning a lot from the left and that is a good thing! It will take us a little while to become as skilled at it as you guys, but we all have to start somewhere, Tom.

      • Dude, in spite of your weirdly desperate pleas for me to engage you, you continue to fail to be an intellectual foe.

        What you have just said is that it’s okay to ask the POTUS to suck your gun (ew!) until the bullets come out of the back of the POTUS’s head and POTUS is dead as long as you’re good at your job.

        You are literally saying that.

        So by the power of some stupid law of debate, you are saying it’s okay for those actors to portray Cesar in Trump fright wigs as long as they’re good actors! You have defeated your own argument!

        You’re an idiot, you know that, right?

        Also, every time a conservative politician posts here, you do that thing little dogs do for attention. “Hey John! Hey John! Look at me!”.

        BTW, you did say thanks to Liza for educating your ignorant ass about Alzheimer’s, but you never apologized to the person you so boastfully claimed was so incredibly wrong about Trump’s father’s medical condition.

        Be a man, say you’re sorry, then go back to momma’s basement and do whatever it is you do in your momma’s basement.

        Now there, that’s going to need to last you awhile, roll over on your back and enjoy the belly rub.

        Who’s a good boy? You are! Yes you are!

        • “…in spite of your weirdly desperate pleas for me to engage you…”

          Tom, as I told you before, and you refuse to hear, I really don’t want you responding. You are bloviating and tedious and not near as clever as you think you are. Although I have to admit, sometimes I do find you funny. But I really don’t want you to engage me and you don’t want to engage me, so I think it is sort of stupid when you do. Your messages often provide sufficient manure to actually serve as the basis for some thoughtful ideas to be planted. That is a good thing. Responding to me wastes both our time. That is not a good thing. And despite your massive ego telling you I want you to respond, I really, really don’t. Please get that in your head. Seriously.

          “What you have just said is that it’s okay to ask the POTUS to suck your gun (ew!) until the bullets come out of the back of the POTUS’s head and POTUS is dead as long as you’re good at your job. You are literally saying that.”

          If that is what you want to think it means, be my guest. I long ago accepted the fact that leftists were entirely comfortable with Robert “KKK” Byrd being a democrat Senator, and overlooking all the things he said and did during his life and career as long as he voted their way. As I said, we are learning a lot from you leftists, but we are still learning the finer points.

          “So by the power of some stupid law of debate, you are saying it’s okay for those actors to portray Cesar in Trump fright wigs as long as they’re good actors!”

          On the contrary, I implied that you and people like you are comfortable with it, but not because they are good actors, Tom. It is because you are entirely comfortable with bad things being done to conservatives regardless of anything else. As I said before, we are still learning how to be that callous, so you are farther advanced along the “Who cares?” path.

          By the way, your silly analysis of who attends these “Shakespeare in the Park” presentations tells me you have never seen one and have no idea who attends them. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from telling us who attends them, does it?

          “Also, every time a conservative politician posts here, you do that thing little dogs do for attention. “Hey John! Hey John! Look at me!”

          Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I told you that you make me laugh sometimes. It must have taken you a while to think of that. Too funny!!

          “BTW, you did say thanks to Liza for educating your ignorant ass about Alzheimer’s, but you never apologized to the person you so boastfully claimed was so incredibly wrong about Trump’s father’s medical condition.”

          Of course I thanked Liza…she is gracious about things like that. But thank you?!?!?!? You haven’t got a gracious bone in your body…to you an apology is a sign of weakness to be exploited and ridiculed. And I didn’t claim you were wrong about Trump’s Father, I took you at face value and accepted what you said. I did, however, say that I hoped you weren’t wrong. I figure by this time, in your eagerness to ridicule and condemn Trump, you have studied his life so thoroughly you could write his biography. I tend to think if you say something about him, it is probably true. Although it may be exaggerated to enhance your condemnation…

          “Now there, that’s going to need to last you awhile…”

          Please. Keep your word this time, okay? I waste a few minutes with this and, while it was kinda’ fun, it really was a waste in the classic sense. I really wish I could resist responding to you, but it is a compulsion…a weakness in me. It is embarassing, but there it is. :o(

          • TLDR.

            I assume you’re saying that Nugent is promoting gun safety and something Alzheimer’s, something that’s completely true and not pulled from your, wherever.

            TLDR is internet speak for Too Long Didn’t Read.

          • “TLDR is internet speak for Too Long Didn’t Read.”

            Right. Uh-huh. Sure you didn’t. Just as I am compelled to respond, you can’t resist reading it. Of that I am 100% confident.

            What I don’t understand is why you bothered to respond…

  2. Why is there no criticism of the play in NYC depicting Trump’s murder? Have you hypocrits no shame?

    • “Why is there no criticism of the play in NYC depicting Trump’s murder? Have you hypocrits no shame?”

      No, John, they have no shame because they see nothing wrong with a play depicting Trump’s murder. I used to think these leftist just hid it, but I have become more and more convinced that they really are blind to their own hypocrisy. I think they have become so politically driven that they truly cannot see it. Winning is all that matters to them and if they had to dump their morals along the way, then so be it. Morals and a concience are for losers…

    • I didn’t know about this play. I wouldn’t want to see it and I can’t see what good it serves.

      However, your (and Steve’s) pearl clutching is quite amusing.

      • The “play” is Shakespeare’s “Julius Ceasar”. It’s hardly a kill Trump play.

        We could go back and forth all day on this stuff, but the right has done far worse, especially during the Obama years.

        Maybe we could get the fake conservatives to denounce their NRA memberships based on this NRA board members behavior?

        • I should have known…

          ‘This is violence against Donald Trump’: rightwingers interrupt Julius Caesar play
          Saturday 17 June 2017 09.31 EDT First

          A rightwing protester has been charged with trespassing after interrupting a New York production of Julius Caesar during the assassination scene and shouting: “This is violence against Donald Trump.”

          The protester, who later identified herself as Laura Loomer, interrupted the Shakespeare in the Park production on Friday night and shouted “this is political violence against the right” while audience members booed and told her to get off the stage.

          • Oh, the BS and fake outrage from the fake conservatives gets even better.

            Laura Loomer was getting paid to disrupt the show. Mike Cernovich has been offering people a thousand dollars if they can get on a live feed of CNN saying “CNN is ISIS”.

            She works for The Rebel with Cernovich.

            Her “protest” was so well coordinated you’d think is was the work of George Soros! 🙂


            But actually, George Soros is in the Hampton’s this weekend partying with Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump.

            FYI, this was also reported on actual news sites, but to humor the fake conservatives, here’s a post from a fake news site.


            What a world.

          • Took out some links to avoid waiting for moderation. Sorry AZ!

            On with the post….

            Oh, the BS and fake outrage from the fake conservatives gets even better.

            Laura Loomer was getting paid to disrupt the show. Mike Cernovich has been offering people a thousand dollars if they can get on a live feed of CNN saying “CNN is ISIS”.

            She works for The Rebel with Cernovich.

            Her “protest” was so well coordinated you’d think is was the work of George Soros!

            So the right wing media is correct, there are paid protestors. It’s just not Soros paying them.

            And fun fact, George Soros is in the Hampton’s this weekend partying with Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump, among others.

            The Hampton’s party story was reported in Breitbart, as well as actual real news websites.

            The GOP, full of BS since 1980.

          • “A rightwing protester has been charged with trespassing after interrupting a New York production of Julius Caesar during the assassination scene and shouting: “This is violence against Donald Trump.”

            I am so glad we are finally taking lessons from the left about how to disrupt things we don’t like. It kinda’ sets things to balance. Instead of always having to bear the burden of the left behaving childishly while we tried to be adults, we now have members who are willing to get down in the mud with the left and retaliate in a way the left understands.

            Good for us!

        • Hardly a kill Trump play? How can you say that with a straight face, or maybe you are smirking.

          Here is the Washington Post’s description of the play:

          The New York-based arts organization came under fire for staging a production of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” starring Trump look-alike Gregg Henry in the titular role. In this staging of play, which was part of the summer’s Free Shakespeare in the Park, Caesar is a businessman known for his petulant personality, fancy suits and blondish hair with orange overtones.
          His wife, Calpurnia, even has a Slavic accent, much like first lady Melania Trump.
          In the play, Roman senators fear Caesar had become power hungry, so they stab him to death.

          • As soon as you explain your support for the NRA when it has Ted Nugent as a paid board member.

            Ted Nugent, who aside from being an admitted pedophile, likes to run around stage at his concerts with machine guns saying “hey Obama, suck on my machine gun!”

            Anyone on the right getting upset about a Shakespeare play mocking the con man in chief needs to take a good long look in the mirror.

            Playing Julius Cesar with Trump characters is more satire than threat.

            Seriously for every act of “leftist terrorism” you throw out I’ll send 20 cases of right wing extremism back at you, and because you have a law enforcement background, you know this is true, you know all about the dangers of right wing extremism.

            And BTW, it’s very hard to get Shakespeare in the Park tickets. These are Wall Street folks and NY society, these are not street thugs or commie anarchists.

            People like you ripping mothers away from their families because you don’t like brown people is much more terrifying that some hoity-toity actors putting on bad toupees to do Shakespeare.

          • You said, “The ‘play’ is Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Ceasar. It’s hardly a kill Trump play.” That was a misleading lie. It is parody of Julius Caesar in which Trump is killed. That was my point. I was focusing on your dishonesty.

          • Okay, let’s put on our thinking caps.

            Shakespeare in the Park is an event in New York, the tickets are difficult to get, it’s fairly exclusive, and the audience is Wall Street hedge fund managers, stock brokers, their snooty wives, along with miscellaneous New York socialites and patrons of the arts.

            The wine and cheese crowd, tired from a long day of yoga.

            Ted Nugent concerts are not so exclusive events, attended by thousands of mostly men ginned up on Alex Jones and Michael Savage, and all of them big 2A guys who spent 8 years thinking Obama was a’coming for their guns.

            And NRA board member and youth role model Ted tells them he wants Obama to suck on his machine gun.

            Which group do you think is more likely to be incited into violence?

            You know all about the 2009 report form Homeland Security stating that right wing extremism is a bigger danger to Americans than terrorism, and the right has been trying to claim the “leftists” are the real danger ever since.

            I know there are some bad guys on the fringes of the left, but let’s be honest, it’s the fringes of the right that are running around the woods getting ready for civil war.

            If you think Shakespeare in the Park, no matter how much you disapprove the material, is going to incite their audience to violence, then it’s you who are being dishonest.

          • As you have seen by now, John, Liza and Tom have no problem killing a right winger. They do not see any problem with it and they will rationalize no matter how convoluted their explanations have to become. The depth and breadth of their hypocrisy, to say nothing of the evil behind the hypocrisy, are completely invisible to them. They are completely unaware that they long ago traded their morals and their souls for politics. I pray that I never become so calloused and politically driven that I forget how to see the difference between the light and the dark, what is good from what is bad, what is important from what is shiny and pretty, and most importantly, the difference between doing something that is truly good as opposed to doing something because it makes me feel better.

      • “However, your (and Steve’s) pearl clutching is quite amusing.”

        If the play featured Obama being killed rather than Trump, Liza, you would be experiencing near rabid apoplexy over it. You would be testing the bounds of the English language in finding new ways to curse and condemn the people putting on the play as murderers and right wingers.

        The reason you find it amusing is because of your hypocrisy. Pretend to kill a right winger…you are o-kay!! Even speak badly about a left winger…you are despicable.

        • “You would be testing the bounds of the English language…”

          If you don’t mind, I’m taking that as a compliment. 🙂

          • “If you don’t mind, I’m taking that as a compliment.”

            I don’t mind at all, Liza. I have told you before the reason I like to correspond with you is you are literate, intelligent and have strong opinions. It is interesting to have exchanges with you. I believe you could test the bounds of the English language if you chose to do so.

    • There has much more criticism of this current play than there was of the 2012 Guthrie production of “Julius Caesar” with an Obama Caesar. Furthermore, Delta ended its sponsorship in NY, but not for the Guthrie play. Another Obama type president had his head blown off in the movie “Kingsmen: Secret Service.” I do not know if the movie had protests. It may have.

  3. Please keep up with 25th info and enlarge presentation to national coverage.
    As someone who didn’t vote for Kennedy and was too young to vote, I still respected the office . I remember the tone of my dad, an Air Force officer in Alaska , telling my mother that if in case of war we would have to drive down the Alcan to lower 48. Civilians were on their own.
    What happens this week at G20 with a loose cannon armed with tweets is too scary to think about. This is now Urgent. And they All should go, from top down. They were either too involved in money and Russian issues , or only thinking of next election. My bumper sticker “Loyalty to America always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it” and 4 Kasich stickers says it all.

  4. BS!!!! You don’t like him and you are looking for ANY excuse to remove him from office. You don’t give a rat’s ass what that reason is, just so he’s removed from office. All the other schemes and artifices concocted by the left have fallen apart like a sand castle in a typhoon, so you just reach deeper in the bag for even more obscure and unlikely reasons and ways to get what what you want.

    “Enough is enough. Trump’s conduct is not just unpresidential and demeaning to the office of the presidency, his conduct is undermining the very values and mores of democracy.”

    According to you but not by my estimation. He has quirks but he is doing a good job. You just don’t like what he is doing. Nothing about him is undermining “the very values and mores of democracy”. I defy anyone from the left to actually define what the “values and mores of democracy” are. If ANYONE threatens democracy, it is the left.

    “I believe that is his ultimate goal, to undermine all of our democratic principles to make the imposition of his authoritarian rule possible.”

    You want it both ways…he needs removed from office because he is incapable, but he has a master plan carefully etched out to make himself the Emperor. He can’t stop spilling his guts with his tweets, but he has a whole massive secret plan going on to make himself the Emperor. Those things don’t mix, AzBM!

    “There are Democrats taking steps to resist this authoritarian mad man.”

    Trying to make what the democrats are doing sound noble is like making a silk purse out of sow’s ear…it can’t be done. What the democrats are doing is pure partisan ship. They are obstructionists who – along with their buddies in the media – have declared war on the Trump Administration. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing, the democrats want to disrupt, delay and block ANY Trump action or initiative. They aren’t “resisting an authoritarian madman”, they are trying to feather their nest for the 2018 election. You know that as well as I do, AzBM.

    “Americans elected a man they knew was emotionally and mentally unfit to serve as president.”

    What a nice way to insult the voters who elected Trump to office! I suspect they really avoided was installing a pair of unscrupulous, pathological criminals in the White House by keeping Hillary and Bill out of it.

    “Trump’s mental deterioration is progressively getting worse each and every day. It is time to invoke the 25th Amendment, or impeach him. Trump has to go.”

    No, it isn’t. No, it’s not. And No, he doesn’t.

    Have you tried prayer, AzBM?

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