They charged Hunter Biden for this, so charge Trump, too. Or maybe there really is a ‘two-tier justice system’ in this country, just not the way the GOP has weaponized that phrase to suggest it is wealthy white ex-Presidents and conservatives who get the short end of that stick.
Speaking of ‘two-tiered’ justice in this country, Mark Meadows did not just burn documents in the White House fireplaces but disseminated classified documents to hack right-wing political reporters. How has he not been charged under the same rubric of classified documents laws as Trump?
So far as we know, unlike Biden and some other top Democrats who possessed and voluntarily cooperated and returned classified material, Meadows is not even under investigation.
According to staffer Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book:
Hutchinson described many binders thrown around the room with “still-classified but supposedly soon-to-be-declassified information, but the Crossfire Hurricane binders [Russia investigation] were easy to identify because of how thick they were.”
“Did Mark already give copies to Mollie Hemingway and John Solomon?” Philbin asked. Hutchinson describes them as “the conservative journalists who the president and Mark were acquainted with.”
“What about the others? What about the binders he said you were giving to Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell?” Philbin said, cutting her off.
“I called Kevin and cryptically described what the binder is. He asked why Mark wanted him to have a copy. I told him I was not sure, but I did not think he needed a copy. Actually, I told him he probably should not take a copy. Kevin agreed,” she recalls saying.
“Enough” by Cassidy Hutchinson
Trump suggests Mark Milley should be executed in possible breach of pre-trial release conditions.
The former president’s constant intemperate comments could potentially run afoul of his release conditions ahead of his trials related to the special counsel investigations against him in the Mar-a-Lago documents and 2020 election conspiracy cases. He has been warned to avoid publicly attacking court officers and potential witnesses on social media.
If Mr Milley is in fact a witness in either of these case, Mr Trump could face serious penalties.
BlueMeanie’s bet: Donald Trump is threatening General Milley because General Milley is on the government’s witness list for the trial in the Mar-a-Lago documents case,” former New York Attorney General’s Office official Tristan Snell wrote on X on Saturday.
Donald Trump called for Congressional Republicans to shut down the federal government “UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING” in a Truth Social post late-night Truth Social post. He should really keep his phone locked away while on grievance- and Ambien-fueled rampages in the middle of the night.
Trump is obviously still directing an insurrection against the U.S. government, and his aiders and abettors in Congress are guilty as accomplices.
Donald Trump raged on Truth Social that it’s not just Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) who is guilty of corruption, but every Senate Democrat.
Said Trump: “Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived.”6 should
That is some serious projection. 11 GOP House members participated in Trump’s coup plot, and 146 Republicans voted not to certify the 2020 election, giving aid and comfort to the insurrectionists. They “all knew what was going on.” The 146 should all resign, or rightly be prosecuted by Jack Smith.
Donald Trump said on Truth Social that Comcast and NBC are enemies of the people, should be investigated for treason and suggested that he will remove them from public airwaves if elected president.
Oddly, this clearly authoritarian suggestion from the disgraced, twice-impeached-for-abusing-his-power President prompted ZERO right-wing handwringing over “censorship” and “suppression of free speech”. Cue crickets.
Sinema Pitches Donors on ‘Path to Victory’
September 25, 2023 at 9:04 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona Democrat-turned-independent, hasn’t publicly announced whether she’s running for re-election next year. But privately, her political team has been mapping out a campaign strategy, pitching donors and potential supporters on how she can win the marquee Senate race,” NBC News reports.
“In a two-page prospectus obtained by NBC News, Sinema charts out a path to victory as an independent candidate in Arizona, with a glimpse of her possible campaign message and new details about the unique cross-party coalition she would seek to build in the competitive state.”
“Under the banner ‘Kyrsten’s Path to Victory,’ the document says Sinema can win by attracting 10% to 20% of Democrats, 60% to 70% of independents and 25% to 35% of Republicans.”
Absolutely delusional. If she gets any Independent or Republican support, especially with Republicans loons like Lake, the Blake, and the cosplaying Sheriff Freak (Lamb), one of which will be the nominee, color me shocked. #SingleTermSinema is seeing the world through her reality distortion lenses…
GOP Rep. calls for general to be ‘hung’ in echo of Trump’s ‘death penalty’ comment
Congressman Paul Gosar, representing the 9th district of Arizona, said on Sunday that a retiring general should be “hung,” echoing sentiments from former president Donald Trump, who said the military leader might deserve “the death penalty” for his purported actions.
Gosar’s comments come just after Trump suggested that the retiring general who has criticized the former president deserves the “death penalty,” prompting conservatives of various backgrounds to condemn the comments.
In Gosar’s newsletter on Sunday, he said that after the riot “was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved.”
“But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed,” the lawmaker added. “Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back.“
Going even further, Gosar suggests Milley should be executed.
“In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” he said. “He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump.”
“How this traitor remains in office is a question we need answered.”
Wow, there’s some serious projection you got there, Paul #Grossar. Look in the mirror, you mentally unwell freak.
Whew! OK. That feels better. Back to Pepperland for me. For now…
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It appears that AZBM has lost it. Another Dem victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He claims that because Trump desired to buy a gun while under indictment that he broke the law, which actually requires that you intentionally buy a gun while under indictment. He claims Trump did the same thing that Hunter Biden did but Hunter Biden didn’t desire to buy a gun, he actually did buy a gun while addicted to drugs. What law school did he graduate from. Wait! Don’t answer because BfA does not need a defamation lawsuit. This is so wierd.
John, who never sponsored a bill that EVER was constitutional. John’s bills alone keep judges busy on our dime.
Yeah, but there are bigoted grifters and industry lobbyists that our John has to keep satisfied on our dime.
Frances, John Government Checks Kavanagh lives off our dime. He’s never made a dime in the private sector.
And now it seems he’s coming out in favor of felons having guns.
Bold stand for a allegedly former LEO.
Oh well, while we try to make sense of his nonsense (a worthy yet unattainable goal) we could spread some good to counter his racist family-America-Democracy hating antics by donating in Honor of John Government Checks Kavanagh to RaicesTexasDotOrg.
IANAL, but legal or not, his pretend wanting to buy a Glock was a publicity stunt either way, and he backed off, probably on legal advice.
Can you imagine the guy who spent the last week blaming Jeb! Bush for invading Iraq and Afghanistan, said you need to show ID to buy bread, and that Biden is leading us into WW2 with a gun?
Actually, since people like JGCK are against common sense gun laws, I suppose I don’t have to imagine it…
What post are you replying to???
Governor Hobbs signed into law 20 of my “unconstitutional” laws.
Wow, JGCK, you know what she meant. Exaggerating to make a point.
But please, by all means continue to play dumb, it helps with continuity if you stay in character.
Man, when I’m as old as JGCK, I will have better things to do than whatever “pwn teh libs” trash he spews here.
Let’s do some math.
Donald T4ump is a convicted fraudster and rapist.
John Government Checks Kavanagh defends Donald’s attempt to purchase a firearm.
So adding things up, John Government Checks Kavanagh is defending a convicted criminal and rapist trying to purchase a pistol.
What is wrong with this guy? Seriously.
No one here is defending Hunter Biden, Johnny, your Soviet style “whataboutism” is an insult to most people’s intelligence.
“What is wrong with this guy? Seriously.” Well Sharpie, consider that Repugs, including Government Checks, are masters at projecting their considerable faults onto others, particularly their opponents. So one can only conclude that because the “good State Senator” is a congenital moron, he presumes that everyone else is one too.
Prosecutors cite Trump’s supposed gun purchase as possible crime,
Federal prosecutors said in a Friday night filing that former president Donald Trump may have broken the law if he bought a handgun at a recent campaign stop in South Carolina.
“The defendant either purchased a gun in violation of the law and his conditions of release, or seeks to benefit from his supporters’ mistaken belief that he did so,” the court filing argues. “It would be a separate federal crime, and thus a violation of the defendant’s conditions of release, for him to purchase a gun while this felony indictment is pending.”
Welcome back Mr. (or Ms. as the case may be) Meanie, you’ve been sorely missed around these parts.
“Whew! OK. That feels better. Back to Pepperland for me. For now…”
Well, hey there AZBlue. I take it this is a Drive-by, but it’s good to see a post from you again after three months.
So I’m trying to figure out what Pepperland is and I guess it’s something to do with The Beatles and the film Yellow Submarine which I’ve never seen. Nice music but some Beatles fan will have to explain the meaning of this.
Haven’t seen the film in decades so I’m guessing it’s the background music when the audience is introduced to Pepperland.
From Wikipedia:
“The film’s instrumental music was an orchestral score composed and arranged by George Martin. One of the film’s cues, heard after the main title credits, was originally recorded during sessions for “Good Night” (a track on The Beatles, also known as the “White Album”) and would have been used as the introduction to Ringo Starr’s White Album composition “Don’t Pass Me By”. The same cue was later released as “A Beginning” on the 1996 Beatles compilation Anthology 3.”
“Pepperland is a cheerful, music-loving paradise under the sea, home to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The titular Yellow Submarine rests on an Aztec-like pyramid on a hill. At the edge of the land is a range of high blue mountains.
The land falls under a surprise attack from the music-hating Blue Meanies, who live beyond the mountains.”
A New Beginning which kicks off Anthology 3:
And directly leads into this:
Love outtakes & demos as they chronicle a song’s development.
The final product:
Ah, so that’s the connection. The Blue Meanies actually look like AZBlueMeanie’s blog picture.
All this time I thought AZBlueMeanie just meant he’s a self-described mean Democrat.
He/She IS a mean Democrat who does a wonderful job of fighting our good fight.
Speaking of Blue Meanie, an appearance is made at @ the 3:10 mark. Don’t blink!
Song was sung recorded by John & many years later was given by Yoko to George, Paul & Ringo who completed it. When finished the three were like “My God! It’s them!”
Love the concept of the bird’s eye view fluttering through all the phases of their career. Song references galore!
Glad you’re back Mr. AZ.
Glad to see you back, AZ Blue Meanie. I missed your acerbic take on what has become “normal,” everyday, humdrum chaos and stupidity on the part of GQP/GOP. I need your columns to remind me that MAGA morons are not “normal” in any way, shape or definition of the word “normal.”
Welcome back, AZ Blue Meanie after your 3 month hiatus.