“You Don’t Know What You Got Until it’s Gone:” Bidenomics Finishes With 48 Straight Months of Job Growth

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This is for all the low information and historically illiterate voters who felt a failed and convicted President who presided over, thanks in part to his mismanagement of the Coronavirus, a net job loss (2.7 million) in his first term is better for the economy than the current White House occupant or his Vice President.

President Joe Biden, whose economic slogan of Bidenomics-to expand the middle class and lift working families up, will finish with positive job growth in every full month of his Presidency.

The December 2024 Jobs report saw the unemployment rate drop to 4.1 percent and 256,000 new jobs created.

Currently, the Biden/Harris Administration can boast that 16.6 million jobs have been created during their time in office.

Once upon a time, before the days of misinformation and yes, gross obtuseness and gullibility from millions of Americans, these numbers would have warranted a re-election landslide.

Issuing a White House Statement, President Biden said:

“With today’s report of 256,000 new jobs in December, we have created over 16.6 million jobs over the course of my administration and this is the only administration in history to have created jobs every single month. Although I inherited the worst economic crisis in decades with unemployment above 6% when I took office, we’ve had the lowest average unemployment rate of any administration in 50 years with unemployment at 4.1% as I leave. Although forecasts were projecting it would take years to achieve a full recovery, we have had the strongest growth and employment creation of any advanced country, brought inflation back down, and achieved the soft landing that few thought was possible. My administration has achieved record high employment rates for working-age women and the lowest black-white unemployment gap on record. Incomes are up almost $4,000 more than prices.”

“There is more to do to lower costs, but we’ve taken action to lower prescription drug prices, health insurance premiums, utility bills, and gas prices that will pay dividends for years to come. This has been a hard-fought recovery, but we’ve made progress for working families, showing what can be accomplished when we build from the middle out and bottom up.”

Vice President Kamala Harris posted on social media:

For those who have not paid attention to President Biden’s comments on the economy for the last four years, he has always acknowledged the squeeze the American People were feeling.

He always proposed programs that would make life better for all Americans.

In many ways he delivered. A second term, either with Biden or Harris at the top, would have likely continued that same forward thrust for the American People and the country.

Unfortunately, a slightly larger plurality of voters in the last November elections forgot history, ignored reality, and were once again suckered to support a snake oil salesman-huckster who almost destroyed the country the last time he was in the Oval Office.

Those Americans who voted for Biden/Harris in 2020 and sat home and those who amazingly switched their vote to Trump/Vance despite the facts and the records are about to experience the Joni Mitchell quote:

“You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.”

Please watch President Biden’s comments about the December Jobs Report and other topics. Do you think the other guy can speak in factual complete sentences like this?

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