Biden Vows to Revitalize Rural America and Tribal Communities

Joe Biden has a plan to revitalize and help Rural America and Tribal Communities get through the Coronavirus Public Health Emergency and overcome years of reactionary policy obstruction and neglect. In a May 20, 2020, virtual town hall with Wisconsin Third District House Representative Ron Kind and medical, labor, and commercial representatives of Wisconsin’s rural … Read more

NNU: Where There is Struggle, Nurses Will be There (video)

Power339-sm72by Pamela Powers Hannley

National Nurses United (NNU) is one of the most creative and most activist unions in the US.

Long before anyone was talking about the financial transaction tax (AKA the Robin Hood Tax), NNU and its members were in the halls of Congress– pushing for this innovative revenue-generating tax on Wall Street– and in the streets bringing attention to it.  

When Wisconsin rose up against anti-union "austerity" measures proposed by Governor Scott Walker, the nurses were there.

When the Occupy Movement needed support, the nurses were there in solidarity.

After the jump, watch a short Loneprotestor video featuring Karen Higgins, head of NNU.

Remembering May Day with movies: Black, brown, white– unite! (video)

by Pamela Powers Hannley May Day– more than any other day– is a holiday for the 99%. For decades, on May 1, workers around the world have honored the memory of Haymarket Square and striking Chicago workers who were fighting for an 8-hour work day. From Wikipedia… The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket massacre or … Read more