What the Super Primaries Tell Me

Michael Bryan

There are two main lessons I take from the Arizona primary returns: Democrats down-ticket in Arizona are in trouble in the general election because of McCain’s effective capture of the nomination, and women have flexed their political muscle – Hillary demonstrated that if you are going to be a ‘minority’ candidate running for President you … Read more

Calling It… For Clinton

Michael Bryan

At the risk of getting egg on my face from statistical anomalies, I am calling Arizona for Clinton. You can see the writing on the wall for yourself. Looking at the District level returns, I don’t see any possibility for Obama to overcome Clinton’s ~10 point advantage. The southern Arizona returns aren’t nearly strong enough. … Read more

Hangin’ Ten at Nimbus

Michael Bryan

I’m watching the returns at Nimbus in the heart of Tucson. I’m surprised by a few of the returns so far, but mostly on the Republican side. Huckabee is having a heck of a good night, especially the West Virginia near shutout of McCain. McCain got 1%! Looking at the McClatchy Arizona poll taken Jan … Read more

Bush’s DOA Budget: Education

David Safier

by David Safier Just a quick post today, because it’s all elections all the time for me. Everyone assumes that Bush’s proposed budget will be Dead on Arrival when it gets to Congress, but the budget he sent to the Hill is his wish list. So let’s see what Bush wishes for in education. Based … Read more

A Preview of the Arizona Presidential Preference Primary 2008

Michael Bryan

In Arizona, one must be a registered member of either major party to vote in the primary. The result is both candidates with the greatest appeal to Independents — Obama and McCain — are somewhat disadvantaged. Were the primaries open, McCain and Obama would be assured of victory. McCain will win in any case, being … Read more

Abstaining from Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

David Safier

by David Safier A little over a week ago, Governor Napolitano made Arizona the 16th state to refuse abstinence-only money from the federal government. She gave two reasons. First, abstinence-only education doesn’t work. Second, it costs Arizona matching funds the state can ill afford, given our current budget woes. When it comes to education, I’m … Read more

Surfing the Tsunami Tuesday with Drinking Liberally

Michael Bryan

Come join Drinking Liberally as we watch the historic returns of the Feb. 5th primaries in 21 states for the Democrats, 22 for the GOP, including our own Arizona. We will be gathering at the Nimbus Brewery and Taphouse starting at 6pm. Nimbus is on 44th Street off of Palo Verde. It’s very easily to … Read more

Freerice.com: Feed the World, 20 Grains of Rice at a Time.

David Safier

by David Safier I’m going to leave yesterday’s controversial tax-and-spend posting behind for today, though I have to ask, in response to one comment: Why is it people talk about “throwing money at education” but you never hear anyone use the phrase “throwing money at military defense”? Just asking. If you haven’t visited the site, … Read more

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