Rating Service for Election Processes
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McCain gets a pass from Arizona news media

While serious newspapers like the Washington Post and New York Times continue to do in-depth investigative news reports into Sen. John McCain, our local yokel newspapers the Daily Star and Tucson Citizen continue to ignore these excellent investigative reports by not publishing even a news service abridged version, or referencing the articles in an editorial. I strongly encourage them to do so.
Why the news blackout? Are the local papers protecting their favorite son Saint John from public scrutiny? Or protecting their advertising revenue bottom line by not upsetting McCain’s campaign contributors who also happen to purchase substantial amounts of advertising in their newspapers? They would not allow revenue to affect their professional journalistic judgment, now would they?
The Sunday Washington Post ran a front page lead story by Michael Leahy on the volcanic temper of Sen. McCain. McCain: A Question of Temperament Leahy provides the details of several confrontations McCain has had with fellow Senators, other politicians and even a campaign staff member over the years.
Here is a sampling of the report…