Rating Service for Election Processes

Michael Bryan

Link: Rating Service for Election Processes. This is one of the most sensible and useful—and ambitious—ideas I’ve seen come out of the Election Integrity community to date. John Denker is undoubtedly a goddamn genius. Read this, and then slap your forehead and yell, "Of course!" This is not a little local idea, however. This is … Read more

Are Tax-And-Spenders Moving Off Arizona’s Endangered Species List?

David Safier

by David Safier (TASL) Could it be that tax-and-spenders are coming back into style? An editorial in the Citizen says that a business group, the Time Coalition, is advocating raising our sales tax by a cent to pay for improvements to transportation. The Citizen agrees with the idea of raising taxes but suggests the bulk … Read more

Pima County Becoming Mildly Deranged Over Election Integrity

Michael Bryan

The recent supplementary hearing on release of the GEMS election databases here in Pima County showed just how little substance there is to the County’s objections to further public disclosure. They have been unable to substantiate their overheated claims that release of these public records would harm election security. They even admit that the Pima … Read more

The Day The Levees Broke: McCain’s Birthday More Important to Bush

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Sen. John McCain visited the lower 9th ward of New Orleans this week, claiming that he would do a better job of handling natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina than George W. Bush.  Katrina response ‘disgraceful,’ McCain says | www.azstarnet.com ®  McCain declared that if the disaster had happened on his watch, he … Read more

Clinton Went and Won Pennsylvania, and All I Got Was this Obama T Shirt

David Safier

by David Safier Your roving correspondent returns to Tucson, unbloodied and unbowed. Actually, I had a great time. It was almost perfect, give or take a few percentage points. So now it’s back to the education beat. Let’s see, what’s happened since I was gone? I hear: • Russell Pearce wants a law that says … Read more

McCain gets a pass from Arizona news media

AZ BlueMeanie

Blue_meanie Posted by: AzBlueMeanie

While serious newspapers like the Washington Post and New York Times continue to do in-depth investigative news reports into Sen. John McCain, our local yokel newspapers the Daily Star and Tucson Citizen continue to ignore these excellent investigative reports by not publishing even a news service abridged version, or referencing the articles in an editorial.  I strongly encourage them to do so.

Why the news blackout?  Are the local papers protecting their favorite son Saint John from public scrutiny?  Or protecting their advertising revenue bottom line by not upsetting McCain’s campaign contributors who also happen to purchase substantial amounts of advertising in their newspapers?  They would not allow revenue to affect their professional journalistic judgment, now would they?

The Sunday Washington Post ran a front page lead story by Michael Leahy on the volcanic temper of Sen. McCain.  McCain: A Question of Temperament  Leahy provides the details of several confrontations McCain has had with fellow Senators, other politicians and even a campaign staff member over the years.

Here is a sampling of the report…

Clinton wins by 9.3% (Round to 9%)

David Safier

by David Safier If the numbers are there, they can be spun how you want them. The press is saying, “Hillary by 10%” because Clinton has 54.6% — round up to 55% — and Obama has 45.3% — round down to 45%. Fair enough. But if we subtract her unrounded number from his, we get … Read more

Election Day in Philadelphia

David Safier

by David Safier A nervous morning in Philly, with poll numbers all over the place. My position is, if Clinton wins by less than 10, that’s a win for Obama, since Clinton is fighting from way behind. If it’s down around 6, she’s in deep trouble. If she’s in the 14-15 point win range, she … Read more

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