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All immigration all the time on MSNBC (today, anyway)

David Safier

by David SafierMSNBC has announced it is devoting today, Wednesday, to discussing immigration issues. Apparently Telemundo is planning to do the same.On Monday, Telemundo set up its broadcasting shop in Phoenix.Jose Ronstadt explains, “We thought it's important for people to know what's happening in Arizona, raise consciousness so people can understand what the laws are, … Read more

Rep. Giffords: National Guard Troops Headed for Arizona Border

AZ BlueMeanie

Press releases from Rep. Gabrielle Giffords: National Guard Troops Headed for Arizona Border 5.25.10 WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today is announcing that the White House has finally agreed to her repeated requests to deploy National Guard troops to the U.S. border with Mexico.“The White House is doing the right thing,” said Giffords, who … Read more

Goddard Secures Administration Commitment for $500 million for National Guard, Border Security

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Press release from the Terry Goddard for Governor campaign: Goddard Secures Administration Commitment for $500 million for National Guard, Border Security Phoenix — Attorney General Terry Goddard announced today that the President will ask Congress for a $500 million appropriation to deploy the National Guard and pay for other Border Security and … Read more

Day 2 of Pima Dems’ Al Melvin Week

David Safier

by David SafierYesterday, on Day 1 of Al Melvin Week, the Pima Dems threw a spotlight on Cap'n Al's vote proclaiming that it's OK by him if the anti-Ethnic Studies bill limited history teachers' ability to teach about the Holocaust and other instances of genocide and mass murder. Even after most Republicans who voted with … Read more

SB1070 Update: Why is this in the bill? Part 2

David Safier

by David Safier

Yesterday I posted about a sentence in SB1070 which says, in essence, the law has nothing to do with establishing a National ID card. The sentence sounds like an "Oh, by the way," rather than something integral to the bill.

My conclusion: the people who wrote the legislation know it creates a situation where some U.S. citizens will have to carry ID papers of one kind of another, and to make sure the right doesn't get upset, the sentence was thrown in. The implication is, "The ID thing is only for brown people. White people don't need to worry about carrying around ID to prove they're here legally, because if you're white, everyone knows you're all right."

There's another sentence in the bill that also seems to be thrown in, which I think tells a whole lot about the intent of the bill. It says child protective service workers and emergency medical people don't have to worry about getting in trouble for transporting illegal aliens. The law doesn't apply to them.

The sentence is in the section about transporting illegal aliens (13-2929). It says, basically, if you transport people you know are illegal aliens and you're stopped, not only will they be arrested, but your car can be impounded, and you're subject to a fine of at least $1,000. The fine goes up to $1,000 per person if more than 10 people are involved.

The question is, does this apply to drivers taking people they know are here illegally to church on Sunday or driving a neighbor — or a spouse, child or other relative — to the store?

Maybe so, maybe no.

The section has some murky language implying the person driving the car is only in trouble if he/she "is in violation of a criminal offense." Does that mean you have to be something like a human trafficker or drug runner to have your car impounded and a fine imposed? Does your purpose for transporting the person have to be concealment?

For me, the question is answered in the sentence saying the section doesn't apply to child protective service workers and emergency medical people — ambulance drivers, etc.

When a child protective service worker is driving a child from one place to another, he/she isn't transporting the child to hide him/her from the police. And an ambulance driver isn't taking a sick or injured illegal immigrant to the hospital for the purpose of hiding that person. The sentence is redundant and unnecessary — unless the section applies to people transporting illegal aliens simply to take them somewhere, like church or the store.

Take out the exclusionary sentence, and it could be argued a trip to church with illegal aliens in the car won't get the driver in trouble. Add that sentence, and the clear implication is, transporting an illegal alien for anything other than official business can put your car and your bank account in jeopardy.

You can read Section 13-2929 after the jump.

Kevin Costner’s “Ocean Therapy” machine

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Kevin Costner is in New Orleans promoting an oil-extracting machine to help with the clean up there. Is Kevin Costner The Unlikely Hero Of The Gulf Oil Spill Disaster? Strangely Enough, Maybe. | Crooks and Liars: Desperate times call for desperate measures. So with hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil still … Read more

Media and blogosphere demand the impossible re: BP oil spill

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The public frustration over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is boiling over into silliness from both the left and right in the media and the blogosphere. I told you about the Fox News interview regarding using a nuclear weapon to seal the well head (as allegedly done by the Soviets in the … Read more

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