Election Integrity Film

David Safier

by David Safier I saw the film “Uncounted” at the Loft last night, about problems with the computerizing of our election system. It was followed by a panel discussion featuring the filmmaker, David Earnhard, as well as Brad Friedman, the founder of The Brad Blog, the nation’s premier election integrity website, and our own Bill … Read more

Massive Victories in Oro Valley!

Michael Bryan

DANKWERTH, HELEN 3021 14.79% GARNER, BILL 5091 24.92% GILLASPIE, BARRY 3246 15.89% LATAS, SALETTE 5400 26.43% PARISH, TERRY 3599 17.62% Latas and Garner are elected outright in the primary with this result, an unprecedented occurrence and a true mandate from voters for Latas and Garner. Dankwerth’s showing sends her back to the dugout in shame. … Read more

No You Can’t, Senator McCain…

Michael Bryan

Seems like some of the most powerful, truly meaningful, and creative ads are coming out of the radically open cultural foment on the internet, not the campaigns’ own hired shops. The latest that has really impressed me is from the creative collective working at BarelyPolitical.com. It captures simply and forcefully the worst aspects of McCain’s … Read more

John Wright is Right!

David Safier

by David Safier What he said.

Save Tucson’s Schools. Cut the Sports Programs.

David Safier

by David Safier Today, I’m not wearing my Tax-And-Spend Liberal hat. Rather than saying we should fund every worthwhile educational program in our schools, I’m going to play the pragmatist and deal with things as they are, not as I wish them to be. As things are today, Tucson Unified only has so much money. … Read more

Guest Commentary by John Wright: Education and Taxes

Michael Bryan

The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry along with other business interests are calling for the repeal of the State Equalization Rate and by doing so are focusing only on a piece of the puzzle. It is looking more like single-entry bookkeeping. Remember Enron? Taxes are but one side of the ledger. For more news … Read more

RenziGate Roundup 3/10

Michael Bryan

Watching my Google feeds on Renzi is fascinating. Major and minor events in the story ripple outward from Arizona and Washington DC across the nation as major newspaper chains and television networks carry the news. Then the news slops over into smaller papers and local stations. By this time a new development will begin to … Read more

Ben Stein: “Tax the Rich”

David Safier

by David Safier (TASL) Maybe his next Comedy Central Show should be called, “Tax Ben Stein’s Money (if he’s rich enough).” I may be the only liberal in the world who reads Ben Stein’s column in the Sunday New York Times Business section. But I do it because the man is a conservative with a … Read more

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