GOP planning to campaign again on immigrant issue

Michael Bryan

Link: GOP pressing immigrant issue. I didn’t realize that Republican strategists were actually pushing Congressional recommit votes on immigration-related language to paint Democrats as pro-immigrant. I have to say, I’m utterly delighted that they are hanging that anchor around their own necks. I think most Americans, and especially independents, recoil at policies and political stands … Read more

Mamon Comes A-Callin’

Michael Bryan

Seems like every medium eventually falls prey to the siren song of profit. And profitability invariably means one thing: advertising. Wherever there are eyeballs, there is someone willing to pay for access to them. Blogs are turning out to be no different. The Google Adsense advertising I have on this site (yes, go click on … Read more

Froman and Click

Michael Bryan

Link: ThinkRight Arizona: Sandy Froman to Co-Chair Bee Exploratory Committee. So, Tim Bee has selected Sandy Froman, UA law professor and former President of the NRA, to co-chair his stealth campaign committee. She joins Jim Click in that role. This means that all the traditional Republican interest groups are now represented in Bee’s campaign leadership: … Read more

Why is this letter from the Goldwater Institute, not the Democratic Party?

Michael Bryan

Why am I getting a mailer that I completely agree with from the Goldwater Institute? It’s not that I never agree with conservatives (it happens on those rare occasions when they actually talk like conservatives), it’s that I wish liberals were better at choosing to advocate issues that could have significant appeal to independent voters. … Read more

Lori Oien On How Not To Do Contrast Messaging

Michael Bryan

Lori Oien has just taken her campaign from hopelessly out-matched to pitifully incompetent. Her attack on Rodney Glassman as a ‘enviro hypocrite‘ according to the Star’s Sunday edition, will not only fail to convert a single voter concerned with the environment, but it has very likely gifted about 5 points worth of Oien’s own base … Read more

Andrew Thomas Greenlights Judge Ryan to his Thugs

Michael Bryan

In the parlance of thugs, to greenlight an enemy is to put out the word that the mark is fair game, and anyone who takes a whack at the target will be rewarded. It is therefore contextually appropriate to say that Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas has greenlighted Judge Ryan to the hate-filled immigration crowd … Read more

Mitchell Continues to Call for Capital Gains and Estate Breaks… for the Good of the Middle Class!?

Michael Bryan

Link: Scottsdale chamber, Mitchell talks tax cuts. " Mitchell argues that capital gains cuts help middle class investors and estate tax reductions aid small businesses." Harry, Harry, Harry… What are we going to do with you. I understand you need to get elected, and I want you to be re-elected – I really do. But … Read more

Andrew Thomas Propositions Arizona

Michael Bryan

The current Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas is a savvy politician. He knows what red meat smells like and he knows his constituents’ feeding schedule. And he has skillfully used ballot propositions to position himself with voters and to shape the debate on crime and immigration. He created and sponsored a proposition in 1996 that … Read more

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