Arizona’s Lawmaker’s Power Rankings and Knowlegis compile congressional power rankings of elected officials. The rankings are based upon 15 characteristics of power. These characteristics were measured and weighted to determine the relative power demonstrated by Members of Congress. Those characteristics may be grouped into three broad categories.
1) Position: How much power could the legislator wield through his/her position in the Congress by virtue of tenure, committee assignments or leadership position? This Power Category included weightings for all committees, subcommittees, and leadership positions, taking into consideration majority or minority party status of the member.
2) Influence: How much power did the legislator demonstrate to influence the congressional agenda or outcome of votes through the media, congressional caucuses or money contributed to other Members of Congress by his or her campaign committees or leadership PACs?
3) Legislative Activity: How much power did the legislator demonstrate through the passage of legislation or shaping legislation through amendments? The team eliminated from that data items which did not substantially change the bill or existing law. These included amendments dealing with technical changes or bills of a ceremonial or commemorative nature such as naming of post offices or other public buildings, or non-binding resolutions that expressed the "sense of the Congress."
The results for the Arizona delegation:
Sen. John McCain, Senate Rank #3
Sen. Jon Kyl, Senate Rank #17Rep. Jim Kolbe, House Rank #30
Rep. Rick Renzi, House Rank #84
Rep. Jeff Flake, House Rank #140
Rep. J.D. Hayworth, House Rank #142
Rep. Trent Franks, House Rank #220
Rep. Fred Pastor, House Rank #229
Rep. John Shadegg, House Rank #243
Rep. Raul Grijalva, House Rank #279