Drake v. Grijalva: Wet Noodle v. Cojones

Michael Bryan

Normal_mvc0013fFormer Mayor of Avondale Ron Drake is having a few problems getting out of the gate in his bid to unseat Congressman Raul Grijalva in CD 7. The first and most obvious is the apparent futility of running at all against an extremely popular Representative in a safe Democratic district. The answer to that conundrum probably lies somewhere between overweening ambition and exhibitionism, and a promise of preference from the AZ GOP in some future office that is within their metier in exchange for a sacrificial dash.

What struck me immediately about Drake’s campaign was the symbolic resonance of his announcement. For some reason Drake’s campaign decided that a Southern Pacific engine would make a dandy backdrop for the historic occassion. What does this say about the campaign?

Robert Shows True Colors

Michael Bryan

The Supreme Court upheld the Oregon assisted suicide law by a 6-3 vote. (PDF of Scalia’s Dissent in which Roberts joined) The minority asserted that federal drug laws override the democratic will of the people of Oregon as expressed by the Oregon legislature. So much for state’s rights. What is stunningly hypocritical about the minority’s … Read more

Al Gore Takes the Gloves Off

Michael Bryan

UPDATE: Gore responds to the personal attacks on him by the Administration as a result of his speech: The Administration’s response to my speech illustrates perfectly the need for a special counsel to review the legality of the NSA wiretapping program. The Attorney General is making a political defense of the President without even addressing … Read more

Gabby Announces CD 8 Bid Lauch

Michael Bryan

Gabby has finally announced her official campaign launch. As widely expected, the guest of honor at that event will be Congressman Raul Grijalva. With Gabby’s money (she just announced clearing her first 250K – I doubt if any of her rivals for the nomination can boast even half of that), her DLC and Party connections, … Read more

Two Arizona cities among 20 ‘meanest to homeless’ in America

Michael Bryan

National Coalition for the Homeless issued their annual report ‘A Dream Denied: The Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities’ for 2006 which names Flagstaff (#10) and Phoenix (#17) among the 20 meanest cities in America. Some of the most serious problems that the homeless face are the lack of social services, the lack of affordable … Read more

Shadegg Seeks Majority Leader Position

Michael Bryan

John Shadegg, Republican Representative of Arizona’s District 3 has announced his candidacy for the House’s second leadership position, Majority Leader, recently vacated permanently by ethically troubled Tom DeLay (this would be a good time to send a few dollars to Democrat Don Chilton who seeks to unseat Shadegg, BTW). I’m going to make a bold … Read more

A Brief Primer on Political Persuasion

Michael Bryan

Some political volunteers, though enthusiastic about their candidate, can unwittingly put-off a potential supporter or lose a chance to convert the supporter of another candidate due to a lack of knowledge of the basics political persuasion. There are hundreds of sophisticated techniques of persuasion, but this primer seeks only to lay down a basic set … Read more

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