Jaw-Dropping Opinion: Doctors’ Gratification Trumps Women’s Health

Apparently, a Republican-appointed judge believes a woman’s decision to have an abortion violates a doctor’s desire to see a woman experience pregnancy and childbirth. Yeah, ’cause all the world’s a stage—or some kind of peep show—and all the women are merely players, to bastardize Shakespeare. And the so-called “aesthetic injury” of not being able to … Read more

CFSD vs the Rabble Rousers: Cue the Torches and Pitchforks

An inexplicable digital oddity hit my doom-scrolling radar this week: SaveCFSD.org. With the subtlety of a sledgehammer to a watermelon, this site is supposedly the brainchild of a mysterious cabal of educational illusionists dubbed The Center for Excellence in Public Schools. Sounds less like a bona fide academic think tank than a Klandestine Koffee Klatch … Read more

AI Goes Boldly To The Next Frontier

Welcome to a new era. You may have noticed colleagues leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for fun and profit. And every week, a dozen or so AI projects trumpet their debut. Everybody loves a good productivity hack and AI is delivering. Pretty cool, right?  At the same time, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recently deployed … Read more

The GOP Ruins Everything: The Not-So-Secret Republican Playbook

Are you tired of the never-ending comedy routine performed by MAGAts and the House FreeDumb Caucus? Does it seem like decisions made by these contrarian Republicans are just random gibberish? Well, fear not! I’m here to provide you with some insights into the mind-boggling world of ultra-conservative foolishness. Right here, I’ll condense some of the … Read more