Renowned Attorney David Boies Tackles Cannabis Cases; Clarence Thomas is Pro Pot

Renowned liberal Constitutional lawyer, David Boies, is 81 years old but that hasn’t stopped him from tackling complex cases. Boies rose to national prominence after trying three major cases: leading the U.S. government in its successful prosecution of Microsoft in United States v. Microsoft Corp., his unsuccessful representation of Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore in Bush v. Gore, and for … Read more

Botched Defense Doesn’t Prevent Death, SCOTUS Rules in Brnovich Win

Attorney General Mark Brnovich–who resumed executions last year with pentobarbital and his newly-refurbished gas chamber–hailed a US Supreme Court decision Monday greenlighting two men’s executions. The men likely wouldn’t be on death row if they were allowed to present evidence in post-conviction proceedings that both men’s attorneys admitted they initially failed to mention. Justice Clarence … Read more

A Win for State Senator Christine Marsh Would Give Democrats Parity in the Chamber

Christine Marsh, a former high school teacher—who won teacher of the year–is running against State Senator Nancy Barto “whose fingerprints are all over the attacks against teachers,” Marsh tells Claire Knipe, Arizona List’s political director. “Christine is one of a handful of incumbents who were districted together during the redistricting process so Christine, who was … Read more

Supreme Court Poised to Topple Constitutional Wall Between Church and State

In oral arguments this morning, Supreme Court Conservatives appeared to side with a Bremerton, WA football coach who lost his job after insisting on praying at the 50-yard line despite the school’s efforts to stop him. After nearly two hours of argument, the majority seemed prepared to rule the coach, Joseph Kennedy, was exercising his … Read more