Don’t Be Deceived by Fake Democrat Mike Jette for Pima County Attorney

I truly pity any Democrat who’s been deceived by Jette and Lawall’s campaign of misinformation and smears against incumbent Pima County Attorney Laura Conover, all financed by some of the biggest GOP donors in AZ. Only one Democrat is running for Pima County Attorney – and it’s NOT Mike Jette! I’m shocked and disgusted by … Read more

The First Debate Was Complete Malarkey. There Should Not Be a Second.

I feel much dumber and less informed for having watched the complete shit show that was the first Presidential debate. The entire program was simply Trump telling outrageous and obvious lies and Biden trying vainly to stem the sewage flow coming from Trump’s smirking maw. CNN’s decision not to fact-check Trump (and Biden) during the … Read more

Tucson Agenda Covers the Pima Treasurer Democratic Primary

Full disclosure: I organized this event as the Program Director of in conjunction with the good folks at Tucson Agenda. -Ed. MDB I was thrilled to see Tucson Agenda’s write-up of the program in great detail. This is exactly why we need real journalists, like Curt and Cait, covering local matters full-time. You should … Read more