Congress More Popular with Republicans!

Link: Congress approval rating is substatially higher among Republicans than Democrats. Though it doesn’t actually surprise me, given how the Democratic majority has enabled the President and allowed the minority to be obstructionist without even a loud and symbolic protest (such as making them actually filibuster everything, instead allowing the procedural nicety of letting the … Read more

Pity The Nation

Pity the nation whose people are sheep, and whose shepherds mislead them. Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced, and whose bigots haunt the airwaves. Pity the nation that raises not its voice, except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero and aims to rule the world with force … Read more

Busted Budgets

So far, Arizona state financial projections expect a $600 million shortfall this year. Last year the state legislature was forced to accept a ‘mere’ $600 million tax cut. One might be tempted to see a certain symmetry in those figures, but it’s just a coincidence. The budget shortfalls that are likely to result from last … Read more

Sniping from Petraeus’ Skirts

I’m like a dog with a particularly nettlesome bone with this issue. I seem unable to move on… Anyhow, the Resident has given me fresh energy to worry my bone. He made a scurrilous final question comment during yesterday’s press conference claiming essentially that Democrats hate the military. He’s not alone in saying such things, … Read more

Huge Upset in the Making in NH?

The Manchester, New Hampshire Republican Committee reports that their GOP straw poll resulted in an astounding win for Ron Paul with 66% of the vote. The next nearest competitor was Fred Thompson with just 10%! This points to a possible upset in NH far more disruptive of the GOP status quo than McCain’s 1999 upset … Read more