Pima County Election Integrity Trial Home

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Latest News:

Judge Michael Miller has issued his ruling
granting the plaintiffs access to the final databases for the 2006
Primary and General elections, but denying without prejudice wider
access to all database files for the election in the possession of Pima
County until and unless they are able to demonstrate the wider access
will not compromise election security. This means that the mid-year RTA
election and the backups made during the multi-day process of counting
ballots remain out of reach for now.

The Board of Supervisors has put the release of limited files the court has ordered released on the agenda at their Jan. 8
meeting, which starts at 9 a.m. Board members are slated to discuss
whether they will give the files up, or of they will appeal the ruling. Interested parties may want to show up and have a say.

Complete trial coverage after the flip…

Pima County Election Integrity Trial: Closing Arguments

Please see the Election Integrity Homepage for complete coverage and the latest news. Bill Risner’s closing arguments for the Democrats: Click To Play The central theme of Democrats’ attorney Bill Risner throughout the trial was that the elections belong to the people, not the government. The people’s political parties have a legitimate role to play … Read more

Pima County Election Integrity Trial: Testimony of Dr. John Moffatt

Please see the Election Integrity Homepage for complete coverage and the latest news. The expert testimony of Mr. Merle King set the stage, Dr. Moffatt’s testimony provided the backdrop and chewed the scenery somewhat. The summary provided at the end of this post omits much of what is duplicative of King’s testimony, and is thus … Read more

David Safier: A Layman’s View of the Election Integrity Trial

Please see the Election Integrity Homepage for complete coverage and the latest news. I’m not a lawyer, and though I’m computer literate, I’m not a tech guy, so I’m not an expert. But I have gotten deeply involved in the Democrats’ fight to increase the transparency of our elections and the suit to gain access … Read more