Vice President Harris Wows the Crowd at a Milwaukee Rally, Saying “Ours is a Fight for the Future”

In her first rally as the Democratic Party’s Presumptive Presidential Nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, whose campaign is over $100 million richer in grassroots donations over the last two days, wowed a very enthusiastic crowd in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Similar to the remarks she made during a rally the troops event at the Harris for President … Read more

On the Last Night of the MAGA Love Fest, Their Dear Leader Gave the Classic Totalitarian Address and Alienated the Rest of the Country

Clapping like Stalin, Donald Trump strutted onto the stage like Mussolini and delivered a speech that could have easily been given in the 1930s totalitarian Russia, Italy, or Germany. Using religious nationalist overtones that Spain’s Franco would have admired, Mr. Trump, who became the first felon, twice impeached former President, and the person found liable … Read more

Political Violence is NEVER NEVER Appropriate

Yesterday’s horrific attempted assassination attempt on Donald Trump was met with universal condemnation and outrage by all segments of American society. Political violence is NEVER NEVER appropriate. This is the United States of America. We settle our differences at the ballot box not with attempted coups like storming the Nation’s Capitol nor with targeted attacks … Read more

During this July 4 Holiday Week, Latino Supporters Voice Approval for the Biden/Harris Ticket

At two campaign events this last week (post debate for those who are now measuring time that way,) Latino supporters gathered to voice their approval for the Biden/Harris ticket. At the first event, Phoenix Councilwoman Betty Guardado appeared and spoke on the Spanish speaking radio network La Onda Spanish Radio. According to a press release … Read more

Following Last Night’s Debate, President Biden Resets and Strikes the Right Notes and Tone at a North Carolina Rally

Coming off what he now admits was a poor performance in last night’s 2024 Presidential Debate, President Joe Biden came out swinging at a post-debate rally in North Carolina, acknowledging his missteps from yesterday evening and forcefully making the case for his reelection against 34-time convicted, sexual assaulter, liar in chief, and traitor Donald ‘I … Read more