DHS Inspector General reports find deplorable conditions at ICE detention centers

Adam Serwer of The Atlantic got it exactly right last year when he wrote that President Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear. The Cruelty Is the Point: Trump’s only true skill is the con; his only fundamental belief is that the United States is … Read more

Asylum seekers who are ‘climate refugees’ migrating because of food insecurity

The recent surge in refugees seeking asylum along the U.S.-Mexico border is falsely portrayed by right-wing media like the Washington Examiner as Border shock: 50% surge in gang members, 650,000 illegal immigrants will be freed into US in 2019. This kind of racist anti-immigrant fear mongering is repeated by racist white nationalists like Tucker Carlson … Read more

Will the U.S. Supreme Court ignore damning new evidence in U.S. Census case?

Update to Newly discovered evidence that witnesses misled the court in U.S. Census case. District Court Judge Jesse Furman held a hearing for sanctions on Wednesday, but decided not to take any action ahead of the pending Supreme Court decision in this case. Buzzfeed News reports, A Judge Is Alarmed By The “Serious” New Claims … Read more

75th Anniversary of D-Day

Above Photo: American troops landing on Omaha Beach in Normandy. Nicolaus Mills, professor of American Studies at Sarah Lawrence College and author of Their Last Battle: The Fight for the National World War II Memorial, at The Daily Beast provides the perfect commentary for the remembrance of the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the day Allied forces … Read more

The ‘Climate Kids’ in court: allow our case to go to trial

21 plaintiffs, ages 9 to 20, are suing the federal government in a landmark suit charging that inaction by U.S. elected officials is robbing them of their future by failing to protect them despite their knowledge of the global harms caused by fossil fuels. Meet the Students Taking the Government to School, and to Court, … Read more