House Judiciary Committee to gain access to ‘some of’ underlying evidence in Mueller Report (Updated)

On Monday, House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler announced that he had come to an agreement with the Department of Justice for access to “some of” the underlying evidence in the Mueller Report. Justice Dept. Agrees to Turn Over Key Mueller Evidence to House: The Justice Department has agreed to provide Congress with key evidence … Read more

John Oliver Asks: Which State Will Make History by Being #38 to Ratify #ERA?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) needs only one more state to ratify it before it can become an amendment to the US Constitution. Although State Senator Sandra Day O’Connor and Arizona State Rep. Sister Claire Dunn proposed ratification, Arizona is one of the laggard states that never ratified the ERA in the 1970s. Both Senator … Read more

SCOTUS Watch: Another light day of clearing low hanging fruit

Last week “Notorious RBG,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Hinted at Sharp Divisions Ahead as Supreme Court Term Nears End: On Friday, Justice Ginsburg gave a speech at a judicial conference in New Paltz, N.Y. There was little in her remarks to hearten liberals. She started by noting the most fundamental change at the court. “Justice Kennedy announced … Read more

Television news media falls for yet another Trump reality TV show (Updated)

I watched the CBS Evening News (and the local CBS news) Saturday night, and saw Walter Cronkite’s old haunt uncritically report President Trump’s tweets on his supposed deal to suspend his plan to impose tariffs on Mexican goods, and Trump then praising his deal with Mexico that promises a crackdown on illegal immigration. Apparently, Mexico has also … Read more

DHS Inspector General reports find deplorable conditions at ICE detention centers

Adam Serwer of The Atlantic got it exactly right last year when he wrote that President Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear. The Cruelty Is the Point: Trump’s only true skill is the con; his only fundamental belief is that the United States is … Read more