DOJ doubles-down on its contempt of Congress (updated)

In Watergate, Congress got everything from Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, including a “road map” of grand jury evidence and the underlying grand jury evidence. In Whitewater, Congress got everything from Special Prosecutor Ken Starr, who went to court to have the judge approve the release of grand jury testimony under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), … Read more

Did Robert Mueller abdicate his duty to make a charging determination?

White House Counsel Emmet Flood in a five-page letter to Attorney General William Barr dated April 19, took Special Counsel Robert Mueller to task for not making a charging determination (snippet): [T]he SCO had only one job – to “provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by … Read more

White House directs Don McGahn not to comply with House Judiciary Committee subpoena

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued a subpoena to former White House Counsel Don McGahn for documents he provided to the Special Counsel — his response is due today — and for his testimony related to the committee’s obstruction of justice investigation, setting a May 21 hearing date. CNN reports that the White House … Read more

Do not let the Enemy of the People rewrite History and obstruct Justice.

Today, the Enemy of the People and Obstructionist in Chief, posing as the Senate Majority Leader had the gall to say that the case was closed in reference to the Mueller Investigation. He then went on to criticize the Democrats for being partisan and blame the Obama Administration for ineffective leadership when Russia and its … Read more

Secretary Mnuchin Defies Law to Deny House Request for Trump’s Tax Returns

Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary, Bond villain Steve Mnuchin, on Monday told House Democrats he would not furnish President Trump’s tax returns despite their legal request, pursuant to the Trump administration’s policy of “total obstruction” of Congress. I would point out that Mnuchin is not even the proper respondent, that is IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig. Mnuchin rejects Democrats’ … Read more