Hear Candidate for US Senate, Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, at Democrats of Greater Tucson

The program at the Democrats of Greater Tucson will be held on Monday, April 9th, 2018 at Dragon’s View Restaurant (400 N Bonita Ave) and is from 12 – 1 PM.

As this program is expected to see higher than usual turnout, we recommend showing up early to claim a seat.

Kyrsten Sinema knows firsthand the challenges everyday Arizonans face.  Born in Tucson, Kyrsten went through some tough times growing up.

Her family struggled to make ends meet, and for a while they were even homeless. But they got by thanks to family, church, and hard work. Kyrsten’s childhood experience showed her the power of hard work and the importance of helping others.

Education was Kyrsten’s ticket to a better life. With the help of student loans, academic scholarships, and financial aid, she went to BYU and then ASU, where she now teaches as a proud Sun Devil.

After graduating, she worked with students and families in Arizona who faced some of the same challenges she did. Kyrsten’s commitment to service led her to the Arizona Legislature, where she passed a law to help veterans get in-state tuition at all Arizona public universities, cracked down on sex trafficking, and advocated for children’s health care and education.

Now Kyrsten works every day to deliver for Arizona families – expanding access to quality, affordable health care, helping veterans get the benefits they’ve earned, creating good-paying jobs for Arizonans, and keeping Americans safe at home and abroad.

Kyrsten feels a duty to serve and give back to the communities and country that gave her so much. She got her shot at the American dream, and she’ll keep working to make sure all Arizonans get theirs too.

We ask that all guests patronize our host, $10 for buffet & drink or $3.50 drink (additional charges for card).  

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7 thoughts on “Hear Candidate for US Senate, Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, at Democrats of Greater Tucson”

  1. Hate to keep harping on this but the Good Congresswoman is nothing more than an opportunistic Blue Dog/New Dem/No Labels/Wall Street tool that Chuck Schumer is trying to foist on Arizona voters. Says a lot about him and the DC Democratic Establishment that’s who they feel should be representing Arizona.

    Her ducking and dodging important questions makes her an iota better than Martha McSally though they probably hunker in a shared bunker.

  2. When Krysten was interviewed this week on Tempe/Phoenix PBS “horizon”,she always dodged the answers,and never responded to the questions by the Horizon host!!!

    • I agree. I watched her duck and dodge important questions, change the subject, and when she did answer she sounded like a moderate Republican.

      She’s my rep but she doesn’t represent me, and in fact when she votes in favor of the financial industry she votes against my interests.

    • I find this worrisome.

      Democrats probably have a shot at a senate seat in Arizona. I’ll vote for the Democrat without question. But I’m sure that I represent a relatively small sliver of the electorate.

      The Arizona Democrats need to study up on who is out there right now and what they need to offer those people to get them into a voting booth.

      Otherwise, it’s the same damn cycle, wash, rinse, repeat. Candidates too afraid to say anything or take a stand because they don’t know who is out there or how many or what they want. If we stop assuming that the state is full of right wing assholes we might win a statewide election.

      If Kyrsten Sinema presents as another “reach across the aisle” candidate, my fear is that she will fail to generate the kind of enthusiasm needed for an effective ground game. People might vote but they won’t knock on doors, etc…

      • Agreed. She’s like HRC. I’ll vote for her because I’ll assume some birther/racist/chemtrail/racist/Trumpaloompa/racist/misogynist/racist AZ GOP racist halfwit will run against her.

        Also, great video quality, thanks for your service.

        • Ha ha.

          Well, McSally has identified the part of the electorate that she thinks will vote her into the senate and she clearly doesn’t give a damn about the rest of us. She’s on Fox News as often as they will have her, supporting Trump and building name recognition.

          I hope she’s wrong about the Arizona electorate and I hope she fails. But she’s got a strategy, I’ll give her that.

    • Another thing…

      I hope she ramps up her social media. From what I’ve seen, she’s basically trying to be inoffensive. But inoffensive is boring.

      Good Lord, there are people out there making cat videos that are awesome. You would think politicians on the rise could do the same without spending millions of dollars.

      Kyrsten is pretty. She’s got a face for videos, she should do well in this medium.

      So go for it, girlfriend. Maricopa County must have thousands of people who can help out.

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