Oh Thucky, How Far We’ve Come

I’m feeling nostalgic right now.

Seems like it was just yesterday that Thucky was our little friend here at BfAZ, a mental midget blog troll all our own. David tried to teach him about education policy. I tried to help him with his views on the economy and taxation. We scolded him when he wasn’t being honest. And we tried to cheer him up when the BlueMeanie was being, well, mean.

I even placed him on Double Secret Probation once.

Look at him now. He’s changed so much. How he’s grown! He’s the embattled Superintendent of Public Instruction. He’s all over the news.

But he’s no longer our crazy blog troll. I don’t know about you, but I’ll miss him.

1 thought on “Oh Thucky, How Far We’ve Come”

  1. You know, I just read two non-AZ blog posts in a row that talked about ol’ Thucky, like this one


    Giving some of the more delightful opinions of his Falcon9 sock.

    Thucky even made the Arizona Daily Fishwrap today over the AZ Chamber of Commerce deciding to not honor him, because they don’t want any huppenthal to get on their nice clean suits.

    I don’t think the poor sumbitch yet knows what has really hit him. Couldn’t have happened to a better person. We have no need of a racist like jim in charge of education in this state.

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