GOP candidates demonstrate contempt for their GOP primary voters: no debates!

There has been an interesting reveal from the The Arizona Republic fka The Arizona Republican this week. Its editorial board is currently conducting interviews with candidates for the purpose of making primary endorsements. It turns out the GOP candidates for governor and U.S. Senate are willing to meet with the editors of the The Arizona … Read more

Redistricting — Legislature files brief in US Supreme Court; DOJ doc on Heslop — UPDATED 4-30-14

Cross posted from the Arizona Eagletarian As we’ve known for more than three years, the GOP dominated Arizona House and Senate have been trying everything they can think of to undermine the will of the voters (Prop 106) ever since preparations began in earnest to draw the new maps required every ten years after the US Census. In … Read more

State appeals court blocks higher campaign contribution limits

By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings

…At least until the inevitable appeal by the Republican political leadership…

In a curiously-worded ruling, the Arizona Court of Appeals blocked the hugely increased campaign contribution limits passed by the legislature in HB2593

At least, they're blocked for state-level candidates.

Under the provisions of HB2593, limits on individual contributions to a political candidate were raised from $450 (local and county races), $440 (legislative races), and $912 (statewide races) to $5000,
and aggregate limits, the total that an individual may give to
candidates and political committees that give to candidates went from
$6390 to no limit.

The ruling from the Court is more than 30 pages long, but the "money" line (so to speak 🙂 ) is the last one –

AIRC Update: Tea-Publican deadbeats sue the AIRC with your tax dollars to overturn Prop. 106 that created the AIRC

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

I posted about this last year, AIRC Update: Tea-Publican deadbeats sue the AIRC with your tax dollars to overturn Prop. 106 that created the AIRC, and They're baaack! Tea-Publican lawsuits against the AIRC.

The Arizona Capitol Times (subscription required) reports today, 3-judge panel to hear 2nd redistricting challenge:

Three federal judges have been appointed to hear a constitutional challenge to the state’s redistricting commission process.

The Republican-controlled Legislature led by Senate President Andy
Biggs and House Speaker Andy Tobin filed suit in federal court in June

They argued that the U.S. Constitution gives state Legislatures the
right to regulate congressional elections and that voter-approved
Proposition 106 in 2000 took that power away. The law created the
Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission to draw district maps.

The three judges were appointed Monday by Alex Kozinsky, chief judge
of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. They are Senior Circuit Judge
Mary Schroeder and District Judges Paul Rosenblatt and Murray Snow.