President Biden Opens Up the ACA Marketplaces; Republicans Bellyache and Lie About Earlier Executive Orders

Let us hear Republicans moan and groan about this.

President Biden signed two Executive Orders today designed to increase access to health care for the American People.

Saying “it is more critical that Americans have critical access to health care,”  President Biden signed two Executive Orders that:

  • Reopened the Obamacare-Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces from February 15, 2021, to May 15, 2021.
  • Work to expand Medicaid options.
  • Reinstituted women’s right to choose by taking back the “Mexico City” gag rule that forbade monies being used out of the country to pay for abortion services.

The reopening of the ACA should make some Republican Governors like Doug Ducey happy. He asked Donald Trump to reopen them last year but was told no. Readers should see if his memory fails him and he flip flops.

According to CNN, the opening of the marketplace may help between four and fifteen million people find affordable or free health insurance.

Most Republicans are upset that the person who won the election by seven million votes is actually taking steps to actually enact what he campaigned on.

Too bad, too sad.

They are already spreading misinformation (lies) claiming Biden’s Climate Change Executive Orders will take away existing jobs in the oil, fracking, and coal industries.

They will not. 

They also exaggerated the claims that canceling the Keystone Pipeline would cost 11,000 jobs. Not many people had been hired yet and the positions, if they had been filled, would have been temporary.

Some are bellyaching about the push to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, repeating the myth that such an increase would cost jobs.

More Republican fecal matter.

It would be interesting to see what ludicrous objections Republicans utter to today’s Executive Orders.

When they are not collaborating with Donald Trump and domestic terrorists, this is the Republican’s favorite pastime: obstructing progress and making life easier for plutocrats.

They need to realize that there is a new Administration leading the country. It is one that, unlike the previous Administration, has the backing of the majority of the American People.

Republicans should stay out of the way and let the Democrats pass the long-needed measures like the COVID 19 relief package when they come to Congress if they do not want to be part of the solution.

The American People and the Nation will not stand for their obstruction anymore.


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