Seven Tips to Feel Serene that a Blue Wave is Underway

Many Democrats whom I meet are discouraged by President Biden’s campaign and fearful that Donald Trump will be re-elected.

Take a deep breath and relax. The facts show that a blue wave is forming again that will flush Trump down the drain.

The problem is that many Dems are looking in the wrong places for political information.

Tip #1: Ignore the polls. Delete public opinion polls from your news intake. They are bad for you. The polls offer momentary glimpses of changing events, they frequently conflict with each other, and they have a really bad predictive value (Remember that the 2016 polls said Hillary had a 95% chance of winning.)

Tip #2: Follow the money. The phrase “money talks and bullshit walks” is true. Biden has been routinely outraising former President Trump. The Republican campaign and a joint fundraising committee pulled in only $20.3 million in February. This compared with the more than $53 million raised by Biden’s reelection effort that month.

Tip #3: Republican abortion bans are dooming them at the polls. Republicans are on the wrong side of history when it comes to abortion access . The Arizona Abortion Access Initiative has collected 500,000+ signatures, far beyond the required 383,923. Their goal is to collect 750,000 signatures to ensure it qualifies for the November ballot,

Abortion rights are the No. 1, most important political issue of 2024. Republicans oppose these rights. The voting public wants these rights back. This will produce a blue wave of elected Democrats in November.

Be sure to read Flopping Like a Fish, Kari Lake Once Again Supports the Total Abortion Ban.

Tip #4: Voters see Biden acting presidential while Trump sleeps and farts in a criminal court. Joe Biden acted like a President and recently closed the gun show loophole, expanded overtime for millions and made oral contraceptives available without a prescription, among other popular initiatives. Meanwhile, Trump is sleeping and farting through his trial on 34 felony counts of falsifying corporate records to cover up two sleazy sex scandals. Trump can only whine after court about being a victim. Meanwhile, at his rallies, Trump’s dementia is on full display.

Tip #5: Republicans have proven they cannot govern. The Republican-run US House of Representatives is on track to become one of the least productive in US history. It passed the lowest number of bills (34) since the Great Depression. Like snakes in a jar, House Republicans attack each other in public and can only pass bills that Democrats support. It took more than two months to pass military support for Ukraine.

Tip #6: Gloomy Dems should stop watching TV for their political news. The shrieking 24-hour news cycle survives by provoking fear and agitation among viewers. Turn off the TV for political news. Turn off the Sunday news shows.

Tip #7: Dems should also read reliable news sources like the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the New Republic. Check out 10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts.

Dems should read heavily researched newsletters, like Political Wire by Taegan Goddard or Letters from an American by historian Heather Cox Richardson. Also, subscribe to the Blog for Arizona for inside political news that doesn’t make the paper.

By combining these seven tips, Democrats can become enlightened, be happy and free from suffering.

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9 thoughts on “Seven Tips to Feel Serene that a Blue Wave is Underway”

  1. In other words, bury your head in the sand, and when you occasionally come up only look at Democrat news sources. In addition, pray every day that Biden’s dementia doesn’t get any worse because there are only so many staff members you can surround him with so that people cannot see how poorly he physically composes himself.
    On the positive side, he doesn’t have the lowest approval ratings in town. But whoops! The person lower than him is the vice president, who people may have concerns about elevating to president, should Biden not be able to complete a second term, which few people think is possible.

    • “In other words, bury your head in the sand, and when you occasionally come up only look at Democrat news sources.”

      Gee Johnny, you mean as opposed to your eagerly lapping up whatever pusillanimous right wing news sources like Faux, Newsmax OAN, etc. spoon feed you? Among other things lying by omission about your hero continuously falling asleep during his criminal trial? Once again you avidly demonstrate how pathetic you really are.

      • Pusillanimous?

        That shouldn’t even be a word.

        showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.

          • But you misused the word. She helped you. You should thank her.

          • Oh I don’t know Johnny, seems like a pretty accurate description of bullying cowards like Sean Hannity (Did he ever undergo waterboarding like he bragged he was going to, just to prove it’s no big deal?).

            If anyone owes an apology it would be you, Johnny, for constantly inflicting your mendacious nonsense on the good people on this forum. But I suspect you haven’t the courage for such a bold move.

      • Wileybud, don’t forget, he’s sleeping AND farting while in court on trial.

        Also violating witness intimidation laws and judges orders, paying fines for violating judges orders and on notice for jail time.

        But John Government Checks Kavanagh doesn’t care about the law or the US Constitution if it’s convicted rapist Donald Grab ’em by the Pussy Trump.

        Could I put in a req for smarter, better informed trolls?


        Donate in Honor of Convicted Rapist Supporter John Kavanagh and take 10% off on Trump Brand Adult Diapers.

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  2. Complacency isn’t much of a political platform.

    Neither is “Vote for us because we’re more competent than the other side.”

    Both lead to disappointment.

    Have to agree with Dianne on this one – work like hell.


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