The Fair Tax Act Can Help the Fat Cats More Easily Scamper Out on the Tab

In a bold move to ensure the wealthy continue to bask in the warm glow of their overflowing bank accounts, Republicans are beginning to throw their weight behind the Fair Tax Act. The Fair Tax Act will allow our nation’s wealthy to happily avoid more of their fair share of federal taxes by eliminating the IRS and replacing it with a national sales tax.

“We believe the best way to keep the economy strong is to let those who have more keep more. It’s just common sense,” prattled Rep. Lauren “Blockhead” Boebert (R-CO), an apprentice to GOP tax-dodging schemes. Okay, I’m just kidding. I can’t cite a shred of evidence that Boebert said that, but she can’t claim any expertise in taxation or common sense, either, so we’re even.

Trump said not paying taxes makes him smart.

Break it down

“The Republican proposed Fair Tax Act isn’t just a tax boon for the ultra rich, it’s also a way to get rid of other things they hate like the IRS and Social Security,” says Leigh McGowan (aka PoliticsGirl), freelance writer and social media influencer, who recently shared her thoughts on video via TikTok. Absolutely! Say goodbye to payroll tax deductions for Social Security and Medicare then watch as millions of senior citizens are thrust into poverty.

The Fair Tax Act would replace the current income tax with a 23% national sales tax, or so they say. Nah, it’s higher. Proponents are doing a number with the math on this (pun intended), in a sneaky attempt to win over those opposed to it. Meanwhile, fact checkers say Democrats are overreacting and Republicans don’t have enough support among their ranks to run with it. But that can change at anytime, so keep an eye on this one.

Republicans are proposing a 30% sales tax on everything you buy.
Here are a few arguments against The Fair Tax Act:

  1. Many economists believe a 23% (or even a 30%) flat sales tax won’t begin to cover the lost revenue. It’s not a well-calculated or sufficient number to support the needs of a well-functioning society. A more realistic number could be devastating economically for working families, but proponents want to quell sticker shock and resistance.
  2. The current income tax system is a progressive form of taxation. It’s based on a person’s ability to pay, which takes into account their income and financial situation. A huge sales tax does not account for this, leading to an unfair tax burden for many individuals with less resources.
  3. The proposed national sales tax (aka consumption tax) is a regressive form of taxation. In fact, all sales taxes already take up a larger portion of low- and middle-income individuals’ income compared to high-income individuals. This further exacerbates income inequality.

By shifting the tax burden from income to consumption, we would actually cause more economic problems than we would solve. And overall, economists question the fairness and sustainability of the proposed Fair Tax Act.

Hating on the IRS

The IRS charter is to make sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes, as defined by our laws, so our country’s finances can stay strong and steady. It’s supposed to keep everyone honest. Well, that certainly sounds detached from reality, given the current income tax structure and wealthy tax cheats. (Ahem.) Let’s save the in-depth discussion on this for later. Moving on.

But it’s a no-brainer, really. For those who must uncover creative ways to lower their tax bill, the thought of the IRS no longer being around would be a dream come true. And for those who view the idea of ‘paying one’s fair share’ in taxes as a socialist ideal, getting rid of the IRS’s oversight is the perfect solution.

If you’re wondering who originally came up with the first version of the lame-brained Fair Tax Act, you can thank the Church of Scientology. The plot was originally concocted as a vendetta against the IRS for not recognizing them straight away as a legitimate church for tax purposes. Okay, wow!

Leona Helmsley said only the little people pay taxes

Do the hustle!

The Fair Tax Act is a screwed-up GOP grift intentionally mislabeled to provide plausible deniability for when things inevitably blow up in our faces. And I’ll bet every single one of the bill’s cosponsors knows it, too. This Fair Tax Act would unfairly target low- and middle-income Americans, who continue to bear the brunt of the burden through higher taxes on basic necessities.

The Republican Party loves to promote junker legislation that prioritizes the prosperity of the affluent over the well-being of working families. This is hardly surprising given that bribery of elected officials seems to be legally acceptable in our political system, as evidenced by PACs, dark money, and the Supreme Court’s blessing of “Citizens United.” When political sugar daddies flood (re)election campaigns with massive moolah, ethically-challenged recipients feel obligated to cave in to demands. And the rest of us continue to suffer.

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