The Plum Line: Is there a Sarah Palin vileness/absurdity threshold?

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Greg Sargent at the Washington Post's Plum Line blog asks the right question: Is there a Sarah Palin vileness/absurdity threshold?

A question for fellow reporters and editors: At what point do Sarah Palin's attacks and smears become so vile and absurd that they no longer merit attention? Is there such a point?

Palin, who has broken the mold in so many ways, has defied the laws of political and media gravity in another fashion: Despite the ever-mounting ridiculousness of her claims, she continues to get attention. This isn't so with other figures. Frequently those who traffic in absurdity and smears to get media attention keep upping the ante until their assertions become so grotesque and self-parodic that they are no longer newsworthy.

It's kind of like inflation: Keep printing more money and the value of it keeps dropping. That hasn't happened with Palin.

Yesterday Palin launched a bizarre and rambling attack on a journalist that by any standard should make us seriously pause. Her target was award-winning journalist Joe McGinniss, who has rented the house next door to her to research a book. The short version is that she suggested he might be peeping at her kids.

Palin is siccing her fans on a journalist who might be planning to cover her with something less than outright adoration. Dave Weigel notes that Palin's attack was "strange, unprofessional, and paranoid," and constituted "irresponsible and pathetic bullying."

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[M]ore broadly, as long as Palin isn't an actual candidate for public office, at what point do we stop rewarding every statement from Palin, no matter how vicious or mendacious, with attention? Should there be such a point?

That's a real question, by the way. I'd love to hear what other reporters and editors have to say about this.

This scandal-plagued half-term governor from Alaska, the "Quitta from Wasilla," has been transformed by the media villagers and Beltway bloviators into her own reality television series. Only Palin's "series" plays out in the world of "real news" reporting by supposedly "serious" journalists who breathlessly cover her exploits like the entertainment reporters from TMZ or Entertainment Tonight. She is the Lindsay Lohan of politics.

At what point does the media realize that this publicity hound celebrity is only using them to bilk money out of her fans on the right to enrich herself at their expense? Palin has no political future.

Palin is not newsworthy. Move her to the entertainment/celebrity page.

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