3 Things You Don’t Know that Democrats Are Thinking About


When Democratic candidate for governor Steve Farley said that “driver” is the #1 most threatened job, I made a mental note.

Today’s New York Times article about The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence fleshed out his thought for me. Modern technology dooms the following jobs:

bank teller

customer service rep


stock trader



factory worker

construction worker

delivery worker


This is because computers, machines, and robots can do these jobs better than humans. If this is your source of income, start training for something else now.

Jobs with a future involve “people skills.” This is because artificial intelligence lacks the ability. Modern technology creates demand for the following jobs:

“service job of love” — sponsor at Alcoholics Anonymous (non-paying job)

social worker



For the details, read Farley Kicks Off Bid for Governor with 3-Point Plan for Education.

Highway fatalities

If you drive on Tucson roads, you will be interested to know that 24 percent more people were killed last year in Pima County.

Prominent among the dead are:


vehicle drivers (as opposed to passengers)

people not using seat  belts


reckless drivers

impaired drivers

If this describes you, you may die on the road in 2017.

I can’t wait for my self-driving car, which will eliminate these demographic hazards. I want to dial in my destination and read a magazine on the way. Until this happens, I am chastened by reading

Scarlett remembers that horrible day when she got the phone call that her son had been killed by a drunk driver who was going the wrong way on the Loop 303.

US Supreme Court

Finally, Justice Kennedy may step down on Monday and there is no worse time for this to happen.

It would open the door up for nominees like Robert Bork, racist Kentucky lawyer John Bush (who equated slavery with abortion) or would-be federal judge Damien Schiff, who says anti-bullying laws are “teaching ‘gayness.'”

Hell is on our doorstep, and it’s only as far as the “on” button on a TV remote.


Neophyte Billy Kovacs launches his bid for Congress on Tuesday, June 27 at 5:30. He offers a New Voice…New Direction…New Generation of Leadership! Interestingly, it is taking place at a bar on N 6th Ave. What does alcohol have to do with it?

After that event, I must go to the Legislative District 9 meeting of precinct committeemen. It is at 6:30 pm, 10 minutes away at the Water of Life Metropolitan Community Church.

Happy trails.

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5 thoughts on “3 Things You Don’t Know that Democrats Are Thinking About”

  1. Self driving cars are going to take jobs away in the near term, millions of them over the next decade, because business hates having a payroll.

    Long haul trucks, for example, that can stay on the road 24/7/365? Forget about it.

    But it will take 20 years or more before all cars are self driving.

    The last cars requiring drivers will still be rolling off the assembly lines for years, and they’ll be on the roads for a long time.

    The move to electric cars may help speed their demise, if the real estate that gas stations sit on becomes worth more than the business and “dumb” cars become harder to maintain, but even that will take a long time.

    And never underestimate the ability of fossil fuel companies to rent seek.

    That said, I can’t wait for a driverless car future. Less crashes, less people in the hospital, better commute times, less need for cops/courts/lawyers, so we save money, less crashes means cheaper insurance, and while I love a good road trip, during a daily commute I’d much rather be reading a book than discussing driving styles via sign language with my fellow commuters.

  2. On June 29 former AZ House. Rep. Bruce Wheeler is kicking off his CD 2 campaign, also at a bar — The Shanty. Go figure.

  3. sales person job in stores and the stores themselves or going away right now! as bill maher says worry about kohl’s not coal. to much of the democrat party establishment is dependent on internet money like bezo’s of amazon. thats why working class white women went for trump! donor money sure helped in georgia 6 right. the democrat in south carolina did better with out donor money!

  4. I doubt that technology will doom the job of paralegal. My paralegal deals with people all of the time. Don’t see how a computer will replace this occupation.

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