Pima County Election Integrity Battle Update

Michael Bryan

The battle against bureaucratic inertia and political flaccidity by those who wish to vindicate the right of the parties and the people to oversee our elections continues here in Pima County. Though a major victory was won with the favorable court decision, and the Pima County Board of Supervisor’s vote not to appeal that ruling … Read more

Rep. Steve Farley’s Legal Judo Heads Off Planned GOP Raid on Local Transportation Funds

Michael Bryan

Steve Farley recently headed off the GOP from tapping local transportation funds to balance the budget, which would have added to the over $400 million in deferred infrastructural repair costs the ruling party has already saddled Arizona with for the ideological agenda. Here’s an except from Farley’s latest newsletter: "One thing Rep. Pearce and Sen. … Read more

SOTU-long Bush!

Michael Bryan


This year will be Resident Bush’s last State of the Union address. It will be a pack of utter lies, deep self-delusion, and Olympian hubris – should be hilarious.

Meet Obama’s Power, Samantha: The Next U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations?

Michael Bryan

I’ve long considered Harvard Univeristy professor Samantha Powers one of the most interesting intellectuals working on the issue of bringing together American values and foreign policy. Her book "Problem From Hell" on genocide was a powerful indictment of the current approach of the world order to human rights and humanitarian crises. Now she’s advising Barack … Read more

Ask Bee, “Where’s the Pork?”

Michael Bryan

Bee has an interesting theory about Arizona’s finances. He thinks we can solve our budget woes by eliminating ‘pork’ from the budget. Link: Nogales International. Bee said that he disagrees with Congress wanting to raise taxes in order to take care of the budget. "We’re going to solve our budget problem here in Arizona by … Read more

Shadegg Begins Refering to Himself in Third-Person

Michael Bryan

It’s never a good sign when politicians begin referring to themselves in the third-person. Everyone remembers Dole taking about Dole. It’s creepy, and sure sign that a politician is beginning to decompensate psychologically: perhaps seeing himself from a historical perspective as a noble figure in a classical tragedy. So it should be of no little … Read more

A Record of Abject Failure

Michael Bryan

This is for the conservatives who continue to cling to squishy, non-quantifiable notions vindicating the Bush Administration as anything other than an unmitigated disaster for America.

Here’s the cold hard numbers. You may not like them. You may think they are irrelevant. But you have to deal with the fact that America and Americans are measurably worse off because a sizable plurality of us having been unwise, gullible, or plain stubborn enough to elect these utter incompetents – twice (or arguably, at least once… ok, maybe it wasn’t a plurality either time, but it was close enough that they were able to make it stick…).

If you voted for Bush the first time it might be forgivable – he did simply lie about everything he intended to do as President. If you voted for him a second time – shame on you. You would be doing the rest of the country a favor by simply not voting in the next election, or any future election until you recognize your error – your judgment fundamentally flawed, and we’d be better off if you joined the ranks of the disaffected non-voters.

See the proof after the flip…

My Letter to the Editor

Michael Bryan

The Star published one of my letters to the editor yesterday. Link: Letters to the editor | www.azstarnet.com Several letters published recently in the Star have perpetuated the widespread misconception that violations of the immigration laws are crimes. They are not crimes, in fact, but civil infractions. Whether an immigrant illegally crosses the border or … Read more

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