Obama, Bitterness, Meet the Press, and the Old Politics
Posted by: AzBlueMeanie
Check out this post from former Labor Secretary Robert Reich:
Full text after the flip…
And the Award for Best Headline Goes to . . .
by David Safier (TASL) Headline in today’s New York Times: Despite Tough Times, Ultrarich Keep Spending. So, even though lots of people are working multiple jobs to keep from going under (if they can find work, that is), losing their homes and seeing the cost of food and gas spiral upward, people who are obscenely … Read more
Bittergate: What’s the matter with Pennsylvania?
by AzBlueMeanie The media generated controversy over Barack Obama’s small town "bitter" comment began with a posting by Mahill Fowler, a blogger on the Huffington Post, and was quickly picked up by the corporate approved candidates for president, Clinton and McCain, and the echo chamber of the corporate right-wing noise machine in the mainstream media. … Read more
FEC Complaint Against Bee Ad Certain To Languish
by Michael Bryan I am reminded by the Bee complaint (and legal eagles with whom I consult on these matters) that the FEC currently only has two members, which means it does not have a quorum and cannot conduct any official business. This is why the DNC complaint against McCain for promising to take public … Read more
Emerson, Obama and Clinton
by David Safier I’m taking another Sunday stroll through Meta-education Land (I’m planning to suggest Meta-Education Land as a new ride at Disneyland. The thrills! The Chills! The Erudition!). Today I’m taking a digression to one of my favorite essays of all time, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “The American Scholar.” I was reminded of the essay … Read more
Past Week’s Video Highlights
After the flip is some of the best political video of the past week. This might be a regular feature if you like it.
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Money for Potential Arizona Teachers
by David Safier (TASL) In my ideal world, teachers would be paid considerably more, both to reward them for the difficulty of the work and to attract the best candidates to the field. In my less-than-ideal-but-better-than-it-is-now world, teachers would have their college loans forgiven for each of the first five years they teach. We seem … Read more
Dems File Election Committee Complaint About Tim Bee Ad
by David Safier Now this is interesting National Democrats filed a federal complaint against state Senate President and Republican Congressional candidate Tim Bee, claiming an ad on his behalf was an illegal campaign contribution. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee filed the complaint with the Federal Elections Commission this week. It names a collection of school … Read more