American Freedom Campaign
Link: Sign the American Freedom Pledge It’s about time someone who wants to lead this nation stood up unequivocally for strict adherence the Constitution in the face of terror. No mincing words, no compromises with stupidity and evil, no ignoring the turd this Administration has smeared on our most treasured document. Too bad it wasn’t … Read more
BlogForArizona Reader Survey
UPDATE 10/31: The survey is now closed. Results will be posted when available. Periodically, I like to take a moment to get to know my readers a little better. It helps to understand what you like to read and why you come to my humble little blog. Plus, I can sell the data to the … Read more
Thomas and Wilenchik Guilty of Abuse of Process?
The arrest of the founders of the New Times for revealing the contents of an overly broad Grand Jury subpoena was not only an egregious example of prosecutorial harassment by Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and his hand-picked ‘special prosecutor’ Dennis Wilenchik, it may also have been a blatant misuse of the law. I have … Read more
Governor Andrew Thomas… NOT!
American demagogues, such as Senator Joe McCarthy, tend to over-reach in a system designed to prevent over-reach (how we can explain the lack of resistance to Bush’s over-reaching, I haven’t yet figured out). Eventually, these authoritarian personalities, drunk on power and their initial success take a bite they are unable to chew. In McCarthy’s case, … Read more
A Modest Proposal to get the GOP to quit Congress
Link: GOP congressmen quit because of five-day work week. So far, 9 GOP Congressmen have announced their intent to retire. Many are privately citing the rigors of the Democratic Congress’ new 5 day a week work schedule as being a decisive factor in that decision not to seek re-election. Said Ray LaHood (R – IL): … Read more
The Early Money Race
"I have a great idea! Let’s not have any more elections. That way, we don’t have to worry about voting machines, counting the votes correctly. Instead, let’s set a closing date for raising money and the candidate with the most money is simply declared the winner. The money – the tons of money raised to … Read more
Shop at BlogForArizona
Now you can buy absolutely essential consumer goods at the Shop. You can demonstrate your brand loyalty, promote readership of your favorite blog (assuming that you favorite happens to be this one), and tell the vast right-wing conspiracy to kiss your ass. <– This ass to be specific. From now on this ad will … Read more
National Presidential Caucus
Link: National Presidential Caucus. This is a great idea. Let’s have a say (even if a non-delegate determinative one) before Iowa kicks off. On December 7th, caucuses for both parties all around the nation will determine whom they think should be our nominees. No waiting for Iowa to tell us who the front-runners are. I … Read more