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Drinking Liberally 2/1

Michael Bryan

It is that time of the week once again when liberals gather to share a beer and plot to take over the world. Drinking Liberally will be meeting at the Shanty on 4th Ave (401 E. 9th Street, at the 4th Avenue underpass) starting at 6pm. This evening will be a traditional Drinking Liberally with … Read more

Life’s User Manual from the Dalai Lama

Michael Bryan

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 3. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions. 4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. 5. Learn … Read more

I Pull for Pullen

Michael Bryan

Woo-Hoo! James 404, Pullen 408. I win! If I weren’t so absurdly pleased by that outcome, I would be concerned that Pullen’s minions jiggered the credentials again to win a tight race. Given that I am pleased by the outcome of the race of AZ GOP Chairman and James isn’t pitching a fit, I couldn’t … Read more

Salette Latas Begins A New Campaign

Michael Bryan

Salette Latas, the redoubtable wife of Jeff Latas (the head of the Sonora Progressive Democrats) is mounting a campaign for Oro Valley town council. Seems that Salette was rubbed the wrong way by the mall development tax rebate deal that passed by initiative on the OV ballot last year. In the deal, the mall developer … Read more

Commander in Chief Commits Military Malpractice

Michael Bryan

Sometimes it seems you and the universe are dancing the tango. Some chucklehead in comments insisted that I wouldn’t be hatin’ on the "Commander and Chief" about Iraq if he were a Democrat, I would be out waiving the flag and callin’ folks wearing peace symbols ‘traitors’. I think to myself, "Damn I hate it … Read more

More Troops, More Dollars

Michael Bryan

Oppose the war in Iraq? Then you should know how much it has already cost and will cost Arizona’s citizens. Here’s a summary: The cost to taxpayers in Arizona of the running total of $378 billion will be $5.2 billion. Of the 3,024 U.S. soldiers that have been killed in the Iraq War, 75 are … Read more

H.R. 676 Reintroduced: Single Payer, Universal Healthcare!

Michael Bryan

Want Single Payer, Universal Health Care? Well, it will be vetoed by the Current Resident, but the first step comes first: we gotta prove we can pass it. Grijalva and Pastor are already on board as sponsors. Time to contact Giffords and Mitchell and light a fire in their offices: H.R. 676 Reintroduced: Single Payer, … Read more

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