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Leaders vs. Climbers

Michael Bryan

I’ve been thinking a little about leadership lately. I’m going to make an extraordinary claim that many readers will disagree with: Bush is a great leader. Before I substantiate that claim, I’ll qualify it: while he’s a great leader, he’s leading in all the worst ways and to all the wrong ends. Bush is wrong … Read more

Republicash Establishment Terrified of Pullen

Michael Bryan

Looks like the GOP establishment is officially terrified of Randy Pullen. They’ve rolled out the cage in which they keep their favorite attack troll, Nathan Sproul. Sproul comes out swinging in a letter to GOP State Committeemen, calling Pullen a liar, a braggart, a turn-coat, a light-weight who is unproven in fund-raising, and generally a … Read more


Michael Bryan

What a great time we Liberals had last night making fun of W’s 6th SOTU. By this time we can anticipate exactly what lies and distortions his speech writers will trot out. In fact, we played a round of SOTU bingo based on his favorite buzz words, phrases and subjects. I was tempted to play … Read more

Lisa James = John McCain

Michael Bryan

This weekend a very important bellweather for the McCain Presidential campaign will sound: the election of a new Arizona GOP Chairman. Lisa James is widely regarded as the means by which McCain will cement his control over the Arizona GOP and lock down his home state, the loss of which in the preference primary would … Read more

China Signals Need for Updated Space Treaties

Michael Bryan

Link: China carries out test of kinetic anti-satellite technology. China today aimed a shot squarely across the bow of the Bush Administration’s unrealistic plans to build unilateral military dominance in space. I’ve written about the background of the issue in the past, basically arguing that this Administration’s initiatives to weaponize space risk setting off a … Read more

Presidential IQ Matters

Michael Bryan

Link: The Lovenstein Institute. According to statements in the report, there have been twelve presidents over the past 60 years, from F. D. Roosevelt to G. W. Bush who were all rated based on scholarly achievements, writings that they alone produced without aid of staff, their ability to speak with clarity, and several other psychological … Read more

McCain Most Unacceptable to Maricopa GOP

Michael Bryan

Link: The Sonoran Alliance � Maricopa County, Arizona GOP Straw Poll Results. According to a straw poll conducted among Maricopa County GOP meeting participants (generally the most influential in primaries) Senator John McCain came in 4th in the polling after Duncan Hunter, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gingrich. More importantly, he topped the list as the … Read more

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