Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
In all the kvetching by conservative media villagers and Beltway bloviators over Hillary Rosen's poor word choice, this statement from Ann Romney appears to have slipped by their selective attention. Ann Romney: "My Career Choice was to be a Mother" (Romney Press Release):
"My career choice was to be a mother. And I think all of us need to know that we need to respect choices that women make. Other women make other choices, to have a career and raise a family, which I think Hilary Rosen has actually done herself. I respect that. That's wonderful. But you know, there are other people that have a choice. We have to respect women in all those choices that they make."
Ann Romney is Pro Choice. Has anyone notified the Christian Taliban in our Arizona legislature that just enacted the most restrictive abortion law in the nation, that is trying to pass the "Baby Blunt" bill to permit employers to object to contraception coverage in employee health insurance plans based upon the employer's or insurer's religious or moral objections, and that is trying to defund Planned Parenthood's health care services for women because it also provides safe, legal abortions?
Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are waging an assault on Planned Parenthood, birth control coverage, reproductive rights, and even Obamacare's guarantee that women won't be charged more for insurance than men just because they can get pregnant. That's what you call a "real war on women."
BONUS: Tea Party Queen Rep. Michele Bachmann suddenly is Pro Choice? Anti-Abortion Bachmann Says Women Need To Make Their Own Decisions About Their Bodies:
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Meet The Press Gregory on Sunday:
BACHMANN: What we want is women to be able to make their own choices […] We want women to make their own choices in healthcare. You see that’s the lie that happens under Obamacare. The President of the United States effectively becomes a health care dictator. Women don’t need anyone to tell them what to do on health care. We want women to have their own choices, their own money, that way they can make their own choices for the future of their own bodies.
I have to believe the Minnesota Loon just spits this stuff out and doesn't even realize what she is saying.
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