Governor Katie Hobbs Presents a Budget That Will Move Arizona Forward and Lift People Up

Arizona Governor Katie Hobb’s first budget (for the 2023/24 year) totaling about $17.1 billion reflects the Democratic values and commitment to long-term financial stability that was lacking in prior Ducey budgets. More tax cuts for the very wealthy? Nope. A continuation of the expanded school voucher program for the wealthy? Not happening in Governor Hobb’s … Read more

In her first State of the State, Governor Katie Hobbs Outlines Her Priorities for a “Resilient, Innovative and Prosperous Arizona for Everyone”

In a call for Arizonans and their public servants “to work together to make a significant impact in the lives and communities of this state today and for years to come by lowering costs and investing in public education, securing our water future, tackling the affordable housing crisis, and other real issues that are holding … Read more

Mayor Regina Romero Celebrates Tucson’s Accomplishments on the Last Days of 2022

On the last days of 2022, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero helped welcome 2023 by hailing 22 accomplishments on social media made by the city government in the last year. These measures included those to help Tucsonians get affordable housing, improvements to public safety, lifting all people up, and new infrastructure and green sustainability projects. Among … Read more

New Arizona Democratic House Leader Andres Cano on the Priorities of His Caucus

Democratic Candidates for the Arizona State Legislature, despite a new legislative map that tilted towards the Republicans, defied electoral expectations in 2022 and maintained their numbers of 29 House and 14 Senate seats. With many new faces in both chambers and a Democratic Governor taking the helm in the first week in January, there is … Read more