Is SCOTUS Establishing a Constitutional Right for Armed White Bigots to Engage in Political Terrorism?

EDITOR: I thought I would repost this essay today in light of an interesting and persuasive commentary today in the AZMirror on a similar theme. Also a post by George Takei (yes, Sulu…) and Jay Kuo have an interesting take on the matter in their essay ‘Vigilante Justice: How The GOP Is Putting The Law … Read more

GQP is Silent About Rep. Alexander Kolodin’s Comment ‘I’ll Shoot You’ During A Committee Hearing

Last week, Governor Hobbs’ press aide had to resign after posting a gif in a tweet suggesting gun violence. Hobbs’ press aide resigns over tweet (excerpt): At the heart of the controversy is as post by Berry late Monday featuring an image from the 1980 movie “Gloria’’ showing a woman with a handgun in each … Read more

On Mass Shootings, Editorial Cartoonists Show Pictures about what Fringe-MAGA Republicans Stand for is Worth a Thousand Words and Votes

Thank you to AZ Blue Meanine for continually posting cartoons of the week that showcase all the major news events of the week through the lens of the editorial cartoonist. This week’s edition, coming after another horrific school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee where six people, including three children, were gunned down, presented cartoons that illustrated … Read more

Trump Indictment Leads His Supporters To Flood Social Media With Calls For Violence And Civil War

Update to Judge Michael Luttig: American Democracy Is Under Attack From Within, From The Republican Party. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. – Maya Angelou MAGA/QAnon Republicans attempted the first coup d’état in American history, and have been waging a slow-motion insurrection against the U.S. government ever since, trying … Read more

Democratic Senate Leader Mitzi Epstein Goes After Republican Inaction on Gun Safety Measures

In her second State of the Session address since becoming Democratic Senate Leader, Senator Mitzi Epstein (full disclosure: I am a member of her Legislative District 12) went after hypocrite Republicans for not working on gun safety legislation that could potentially prevent horrific school shootings like the recent one this week in Nashville that cost … Read more