Tom Horne Wants More Guns In Our Schools. Yeah, Like That Works

The Republican solution to gun violence is always “more guns.” Their solution to mass shootings at schools is not responsible gun control and background checks, and an assault weapons ban, but to militarize our schools and turn them into hardened prisons with armed guards. Reminder: Nearly 400 armed law enforcement officials rushed to a mass shooting … Read more

Republicans Bend The Knee And Pledge Their Undying Fealty To The NRA And The Merchants Of Death

The U.S. is off to another horrific year in gun violence. According to the GUN VIOLENCE ARCHIVE: Yet Republicans are all off to Indianapolis to the NRA convention this weekend to bend the knee and pledge their undying fealty to the NRA lobbyists and the merchants of death. The GQP is a death cult. Top 2024 … Read more

The Resistance To GQP Tyranny Strikes Back: ‘The Tennessee Three’ To Be Reinstated To Their Seats (Updated)

Update to ‘The Tennessee Three’ Give Rise To The Next Civil Rights Movement: Children Should Be Able To Grow Up Free From Gun Violence. The attempt by MAGA Fascists in the Tennessee legislature to silence the “Tennessee Three” for protesting with young protestors demanding gun reforms has backfired on them in spectacular fashion. The Resistance … Read more

VP Kamala Harris Voices Support For ‘Tennessee Three’ During Speech In Nashville

Vice President Kamala Harris has found her voice again, delivering a fiery speech at Fisk Memorial Chapel in Nashville, TN, honoring the “Tennessee Three,” who were expelled from the Tennessee legislature by racist MAGA fascists and gun fetishists. This is the new civil rights movement: children have a right to grow up, free from gun … Read more

‘The Tennessee Three’ Give Rise To The Next Civil Rights Movement: Children Should Be Able To Grow Up Free From Gun Violence

Tennessee is the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan and its domestic terrorism campaign to suppress the rights of the newly freed slaves during Reconstruction. It continued through a hundred years of state-sponsored racial apartheid under Jim Crow segregation laws. Gun violence has always been inextricably intertwined with the maintenance of white supremacy. MSNBC’s Lawrence … Read more