The New York Times says Hillary Clinton delivered an acceptance speech that was remarkably without hard facts, and offered few concrete numbers or assertions to examine. There were, however, a few factual assertions that could be checked — so we did. Fact-Checking Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech.
Similarly, The Washington Post says Hillary Clinton delivered an acceptance speech that was relatively sparse in terms of facts and figures that could be checked. (We don’t fact-check opinions.) Here’s a roundup of some of the most noteworthy claims that were made. Fact-checking Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the 2016 DNC.
Other fact check organizations do not follow the Post‘s policy and subjectively rate opinions. Make of this what you will. suggests that Clinton and other Democrats played loose with some facts. FactChecking Clinton’s Big Speech.
Politifact found the few statements it fact checked mostly true (and took a different position than in some cases, because both are subjective). Fact-checking Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the Democratic Nomination.