Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates React to the Lower Drug Costs Now Act

In what is sure to be a 2020 election-year issue, House Democrats passed the Elijah Cummings Lower Drug Costs Act (also known as Lower Drug Costs Now Act) on December 12, 2019. This legislation, designed to give the federal government power to negotiate drug prices for Medicare and private insurance recipients, has already been consigned … Read more

NY Times joins other newspapers call to impeach Donald Trump

The New York Times today joins The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY, the Tampa Bay Times, the Orlando Sentinel, the Boston Globe, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the San Francisco Chronicle in calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump. UPDATE: add the Salt Lake Tribune. What about … Read more

Bravo Jerry Nadler

On Thursday, House Republicans on the Judiciary Committee said they would probably be done offering amendments to the impeachment articles by about 5:00 p.m. They wanted to go to a White House Christmas Party. Then, as recounted by Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, Ranking Member Doug Collins told everyone that they had more amendments/points … Read more

Debbie Lesko is the ‘queen of denial’

Republican defenders of Donald Trump deny reality and create an alternate reality where truth goes to die. In an interview today with CNN’s Manu Raju, Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko demonstrated that she is the “queen of denial” and/or a shameless liar. But you already knew that. Steve Benen reports Arizona Republican in denial about core impeachment … Read more