Unindicted coconspirator ‘Individual 1’ escapes justice – for now

When Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in November 2018 to lying to Congress, the documents filed with his plea deal didn’t explicitly name the person on whose behalf he had lied. It called him “Individual 1.” There was never any doubt that “Individual 1” was President Donald Trump. Michael Cohen: “Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump”: … Read more

House Democrats are getting the job done while ‘The Grim Reaper’ denies the People’s Agenda

In the chaos theory of governance of the Trump administration, so much craziness happens every day that it is easy to overlook important events in the din of noise. Which is really the whole point of chaos theory. Trump wants to overwhelm the senses with the vast volume of his craziness every day so that … Read more

America has been in this dark place before

Our crypto-fascist racist Twitter-troll-in-chief held another Nuremberg-style campaign rally in North Carolina Wednesday night for his MAGA personality cult followers. Trump again used “the squad” of four Democratic women of color in Congress as his foil to rile up the white grievances of his mostly white nationalist base. Trump, and Republicans in general, are now … Read more