Celebrate Our Sustainable Future


Sustainable Tucson invites you to our holiday party.

St Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Geneva Room,  3809 E 3rd St.
Tuesday, December. 11, 6-8:30 p.m. (Doors open at 5:30)

Share the bounty of the season at our holiday potluck. Non-alcoholic drinks provided by Sustainable Tucson. Save a dinosaur; bring your own flatware and glasses.

REASON TO CELEBRATE: If you’ve read the recent IPCC study on climate change, you might not think there is much to celebrate this holiday season. The idea that climate change is progressing faster than first predicted can be quite a jolt, even if you’re already working to fight it. But it could also be an opportunity to come together as a community to envision and create a better, more sustainable and resilient Tucson!

At this year’s holiday party, Sustainable Tucson will be celebrating the possibilities by recreating a festival atmosphere with street fair activities:

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The Arizona Republic: No on Prop. 127 (vote yes)

The Arizona Republic recommends a “no” vote on the Clean Energy For A Healthy Arizona initiative, Prop. 127. Prop. 127, Arizona’s renewable energy initiative, comes down to just 4 words:

One day Arizona will be powered by the sun.

We enjoy such abundant natural light that we seem destined to throw a harness around the sun and use it to pull the greater share of our state economy.

But that day is not here. Not yet.

For now we are moving in the direction of the sun with new knowledge and new technology.

Crusaders for clean power have put on this year’s ballot a proposal to massively accelerate Arizona’s ascension to virtually 100-percent clean energy. But there are reasons to doubt it.

Because there is an entrenched carbon monopoly and special interest “dark money” from APS, its parent company Pinnacle West, and the “Kochtopus” organizations which have bought GOP candidates and captured the Arizona Corporation Commission.

What would Proposition 127 do?

Utilities are now under Arizona Corporation Commission mandate to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

Proposition 127 would bump up those requirements to 50 percent by 2030, an increase the utilities say would greatly increase costs that would then be passed on to ratepayers.

Note: California law already requires at least 50 percent of the state’s electricity to come from noncarbon-producing sources by 2030. California took a giant step this past May, by becoming the first state to require all new homes to be fitted for solar power. California Will Require Solar Power for New Homes. The Clean Energy For A Healthy Arizona initiative is not nearly as ambitious.

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Lawsuit Shows Attorney General Brnovich is a Bad Lawyer and a Bully To Boot

Mark Brnovich
Mark Brnovich

As an attorney, I can tell a mile away when another attorney is a bad lawyer. Not knowing basic law taught in the first year in law school is a clear sign. Acting on that lack of knowledge to intimidate other people is the mark of a bully.

Arizona’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich is both ignorant and a bully, as demonstrated by his 20-page defamation lawsuit filed against the proponents of the Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona initiative, Prop. 127.

His lawsuit will be dismissed outright by the Superior Court in Maricopa County. Brnovich ought to be designated as a vexatious litigant who is not allowed to file any more lawsuits or motions.

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Cut back on Fossil Fuels — and BS Propaganda — with “Yes” Vote for Prop 127

Voters in Arizona can confidently vote “yes” for Proposition 127, knowing that it will cut the use by state utilities of polluting fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, and knowing that it will not cause an increase in electric rates.

There has been persistent false propaganda against the measure, asserting that Prop. 127 will cause electric rates to go up from $200 to $1,000 per year or that it bankrupt public schools or that it would somehow hurt air quality. None of this is true.

An example of these baseless arguments was the recent op-ed by Arizona Board of Regents member Karrin Taylor Robson who argued without evidence that Prop. 127 would costs schools millions. The article cited estimates by unnamed “public utilities.” If the article referred to a study from Arizona Public Service — the chief opponent of Prop. 127 — that study has been widely debunked.

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LD 11 Democratic Senate Candidate Ralph Atchue Fights back against the Lies being spread on TV by Vince Leach

LD 11 Democratic State Nominee Ralph Atchue

Vince Leach, a person regarded as a reactionary anti-democratic zealot in most state Democratic party circles, has been conveying blatantly false information about his opponent in the race for the LD 11 Senate seat, Ralph Atchue, lying about his positions on border security and taxes on television commercials on CNN and Fox.

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