Indivisible’s Unrepresentatives Campaign Targets Faux-Moderate Ciscomani and Unethical Schweikert

Ezra Levin, co-executive director of Indivisible, talked with Rachel Maddow about the strategies his organization is recommending to return control of the House to Democrats, beginning with electoral challenges to 18 House Republicans in districts that voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

Link to: A Practical Guide To Defeating MAGA.

Press release: Indivisible Launches “Unrepresentatives” Campaign Targeting 18 Vulnerable House Republicans:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Indivisible Action, one of the leading national grassroots organizations, announced the launch of “Unrepresentatives,” a program dedicated to targeting and unseating 18 Republican Members of the House representing purple districts that Biden won in the 2020 election. These 18 districts will determine if Republicans keep the House next year. The program was announced in an interview with Rachel Maddow on Monday night.

Through the “Unrepresentatives” campaign, Indivisible is convening a national cohort of Indivisible groups in these districts to organize a coordinated multi-district accountability campaign across 8 states. The local groups are devising in-district strategies, which Indivisible will support with direct financial resources and support from national policy, political, and training staff. This cohort model will help ensure that on-the-ground action is informed by national legislative strategy and linked up to the broader progressive ecosystem.

In addition to rapid response-style protests calling attention to their bad votes, Indivisible groups will be regularly calling on these Republicans to publicly condemn their fellow Republicans’ worst positions, documenting when they don’t, publicizing their takes in local media. Indivisible will be giving them training, media training and PR help, and funding for billboards and ads, props and costumes.

“Indivisibles know that these 18 Republicans are the achilles heel of the MAGA House, and we’re going to step up our work to demonstrate that there is a steep political price to pay for extremism,” said Dani Negrete, National Political Director of Indivisible.  “In 2023, Indivisible will be doubling down with this anti-MAGA program to both limit the harm done by this majority, and to set ourselves up to retake the majority in 2024.”

“The actual majority-makers of the MAGA House hide from the headlines. These 18 Unrepresentatives don’t go on Fox News to embrace a national default or a federal abortion ban, or to spout pro-Putin talking points. They keep a low profile. They raise a boatload of money. And they try to distance themselves – in style and presentation, if not with their votes – from Marjorie Taylor Greene and her virulently MAGA buddies,”  said Ezra Levin, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of Indivisible. “ If we’re going to limit the harm done by Kevin McCarthy’s House and ultimately retake control of Congress, we have to shine a light on what they want to keep in the dark. That means asking the tough questions at the right time to the right people.”

Local leaders: “We’re excited to make this his last term.”

We asked some local Indivisible activists in some of the 18 districts to tell us about their “unrepresentatives.”  Please let us know if you’d like to connect with local sources in these critical districts ahead as they manage this work.

Arizona: David Schweikert (AZ-01)

“Our congressman, Rep. David Schweikert, seems to believe that he can continue to count on a base of supporters to carry him through term in office, but the makeup of his constituency has changed. Not only is he out of alignment with our priorities, but I’m not sure he even knows who he represents. He’s stuck in the past. Same stale approach to governing; Same corrupt behaviors that led to FEC fines and defamation lawsuits. We’re excited to make this his last term representing us, while our Indivisible counterparts across the country do the same. Together, we can take back the House in 2024,” said David Patchen from Stand Indivisible, CD1 in AZ.

“Our neighbors in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Cave Creek, North Phoenix, and Fountain Hills include Republicans, Independents, and Democrats who are aligned on many issues, including respect for democracy and free and fair elections. We  deserve a Representative who understands our shared values, and works to protect voting rights, not voting against certifying elections like Rep. David Schweikert. It’s time to come together and elect a leader who serves all of us,” said Karen Russo in Arizona CD1.

Arizona: Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06)

“Congressman’s Ciscomani’s recent trip to the Arizona/ Mexico border with Speaker McCarthy was yet another opportunity for Republicans to pose in front of Trump’s ineffective wall.  Ciscomani posted the picture in his recent newsletter to constituents. The Congressman made it clear that the delegation was not interested in discussing immigration reform.  But without immigration reform our border with Mexico can never be secure. We need someone in Congress who will actually work on tough issues. Sadly, it appears that Congressman Ciscomani is not going to do that,” said Eileen Hollowell with Indivisible Tucson Action Alliance and resident in AZ CD 6.

New Jersey: Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-07)

“One has to wonder if Tom Kean Jr. and Brian Fitzpatrick were actually separated at birth. We have two white men,  both benefiting from legacy political families, both claiming to be moderates but largely voting the party line, both refusing to hold Town Halls where they are accessible to any and all constituents, and both being silent about their fellow MAGA extremists’ performative antics and general disregard for ethics. We don’t need politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouth when they finally do speak, but someone who stands strong for all the people of their respective districts, not just those in the “Old Boys Club’,” said Deb K with Indivisible Lambertville/New Hope in New Jersey.

New York: Brandon Williams (NY-22)

“While trying to portray the role of moderate, Brandon Williams has shown his true MAGA extremism with his Congressional voting record. We in NY22 are not fooled by his double speak and dog whistle remarks.  Ally groups in the district are uniting to make him a one term Congress person and elect a Democratic representative who advocates for ALL people,” said Kathy with Indivisible Mohawk Valley in NY.

We’re two months in, and Brandon Williams has yet to cast a single vote against his party. This record doesn’t come anywhere close to representing the diverse communities of Syracuse and Central New York,” said Tom with Indivisible Onondaga County in NY.

New York: Marc Molinaro (NY-19)

“#MAGAMolinaro speaks in circles and never answers any questions. He cares about money in his pockets, while doing nothing for his voters. #MysoginistMolinaro along with his #MarcandMarjorie partnership is a detriment to all and we must make certain that he is #GoneTomorrowMolinaro,” said Deanna with Indivisible Binghamton in NY.

Pennsylvania: Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01)

“Brian Fitzpatrick is a clever media manipulator who uses words like ‘bipartisanship’ and ‘problem solving’ so often that people confuse his talking points with reality. But once one scrapes away that thin veneer of media-friendly sound bites, they will find a loyal party man who votes alongside his MAGA Republican colleagues the vast majority of the time. The members of our local Indivisible groups know this, and we are determined to make sure that the voters of Pennsylvania’s First Congressional district understand that this myth of Brian Fitzpatrick as a moderate dissolves under the most casual scrutiny,” said Kierstyn Zolfo with Indivisible Bucks County in PA.

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3 thoughts on “Indivisible’s Unrepresentatives Campaign Targets Faux-Moderate Ciscomani and Unethical Schweikert”

  1. I attended the first organizing meeting for the AZ-06 and AZ-01 group of districts. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in getting involved, or sign up or donate at to help us take down Ciscomani and Schweikert in ’24.

    • Paul Grossar and Andy Biggots (I like these! I’m stealing these!) are in deeply red districts and not nearly as vulnerable as these two. We only need to take back 6 of these 18 targeted districts to take back the House. MoveOn is targeting the lowest hanging fruit who are the most vulnerable.

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