Joan Greene will fight to give the people of Arizona Congressional District Five a Better Tomorrow

The People of Arizona Congressional District Five have a champion who wants to serve them, and it is not incumbent Freedom Caucus Chairperson Andy Biggs.

Just examine his record in the course of this pandemic where he has:

  • Voted against every COVID 19 relief measure claiming it would add to the debt and normalize same-sex family medical and family leave protections.
  • Thought wearing mask mandates are signs from a tyrannical government.
  • Thought the lockdown in April should be removed. His thinking helped lead to the pandemic surge in June and July.
  • Wanted Drs. Birx and Fauci to resign and the Coronavirus Taskforce disbanded.
  • Thought schools should reopen for in-person instruction even though it still is not safe.
  • Contended that Mr. Trump’s appearance at Lafayette Square where peaceful protestors were chased away with tear gas was an example of civilization being restored.

If you are a voter that thinks child endangerment, denying scientific reality, not helping the vulnerable, and fascist governing are good things, then Andy Biggs is your candidate.

If, however, you are a voter that is looking for a different, democratic, inclusive, and forward vision based in reality direction for Congressional District Five, the state, and the country, then consider supporting the 2018 and 2020 Democratic Nominee Joan Greene.

If elected this November, Ms. Greene promises, unlike Mr. Biggs, to be accessible to the people and work to solve their concerns and needs.

Her goal is to ensure that the People of Congressional District Five have an opportunity for a better tomorrow.

Ms. Greene graciously took the time to discuss her candidacy for the House.

The questions and her responses are below.

  • Please tell the voters three reasons they should pick you over your opponent Representative Biggs. 
  • “Arizona’s Fifth District is hungry for a Representative that will represent their needs and to build a community that works for everyone.”
  • “The voters want someone who will tell them the truth based on science and data, so they are able to make decisions that are best for their families. Right now, the lives and livelihoods of Arizona’s Fifth District are in the hands of an extremist who will do anything to protect one person, instead of the 740,000 people he swore an oath to serve.”
  • “The voters want their Congresswoman to solve their problems, not create problems. The voters want a Congresswoman who is accessible, accountable, and transparent. A person who cares and works for them.”
  • Please tell the voters at least three ways Mr. Biggs has failed the voters of Congressional District Five.
  • “His multiple votes against funding for PPE and the financial stimulus to help our families and businesses should be considered a crime.”
  • “His extreme ideology not only hurts our environment, but also put children in cages, raised the deficit, votes against our Veterans, 911 First Responders and our American values even have his Republican colleagues distancing themselves from him.”
  • “Biggs publicity stunt when he broke into the authorized personnel only Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and lying for Trump has put our Nation at risk for domestic and foreign terrorist attacks.”
  • “His allegiance with Anti-Semitics, white supremacists, anti-immigration organizations and fringe groups are one reason why we are divided as a community and as a Nation”


  • Please tell the voters at least three domestic issues you feel are important to pursue if you are elected to the House of Representatives?
  • “Stop the corruption. People in Arizona’s Fifth District believe most of the decisions Congress makes are not to help the people but to help their wallets. I plan on bringing back trust and honor to the office.”
  • “Fix the economy so it is a level playing field for all. This includes cutting the red tape for our small/mid-size businesses, so they have access to funding to grow their business. Assign infrastructure dollars to our low-income neighborhoods first and have a certain percentage of the federal contracts be awarded to qualified minority and women-owned businesses.”
  • “Healthcare needs to be affordable and accessible which includes pre-existing conditions and lower prescription drug costs. Protect and strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.”
  • “Veteran’s health care must have solutions that work. 25% of the veterans live in the East Valley. A VA hospital can be built in the East Valley or the VA will contract with an established hospital to provide the health care needs. This will lighten the load for the Phoenix center. We can also establish a system in Medicare called Medicare-V. Veterans receive a card they use anywhere for care. Instead of traveling or relying on transportation to take them to a center that may be hours away, the person is able to stay in their neighborhood and use a primary doctor already established for their family.”


  • Please tell the voters at least three international issues you feel are important to pursue if you are elected to the House of Representatives? 
  • “Focus should be on Russia and China and their threats to our democracy, our economy, and our national security.”
  • “Cybersecurity is especially important. The opportunity for bad actors to commit domestic or international terrorism with a click of a button is a reality.”
  • “We must be a political ally other Countries can count on.”


  • Is there anything you would like the voter to know about you or your candidacy that has not been asked in the first four questions.

 “We all want what is best for our families and the kitchen table issues are non-partisan. We all want a job that pays a livable wage, affordable quality health care, education for our children that prepares them for life opportunities, and a secure retirement.”

“This is not about politics; it is about people. It is about ‘Country Before Party’ and it is about coming together and not tearing ourselves apart.”

“I want people, from every political party, to know they should vote for me because I will fight for your better tomorrow and you will reelect me because I kept my promises.”

For more information on Joan Greene and her candidacy, please click on her website here and her Facebook Page here.

Please remember:

  • The General Election Day is on November 3. 2020. Please see the below graphic for all-important voting dates.
  • Please check your voter registration at vote.
  • Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at vote.
  • Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election. With recent issues with the Post Office, you should consider mailing them out by October 23, 2020, if not earlier.
  • Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.




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