Keep Tucson First files complaint against No on 400

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Press release from Yes on 400: Keep Tucson First:

What is the Campaign Against Prop. 400 Trying to Hide?

Keep Tucson First filed a complaint today with the Tucson City Clerk's office against the No on 400 committee for failing to disclose any expenditures in their campaign finance reports, a potential violation of Arizona Revised Statues Title 16.

The No on 400 committee has established a website, produced a television advertisement and purchased signs, bumper stickers and other campaign materials which are clearly visible around Tucson. However, according to their campaign finance reports, they haven't spent a cent.

“They want us to believe we can solve Tucson's budget crisis without new revenue, but they won't even comply with the law by revealing how their own funds are being spent." said Caitlin Jensen, campaign manager for Keep Tucson First. “There's no such thing as something for nothing. Public safety costs money, and we're confident this misguided campaign against it does too. They should be honest about what they're doing. We hope the City Clerk will investigate immediately so the voters can have all the information they need to decide about this issue that will effect the future of our community.”

According to reports filed on September 23 and October 21, he No on 400 committee has raised the majority of their money from just two donors, car dealer Jim Click and Golden Eagle Distributors. Neither report shows any expenses.

A partial list of Prop. 400 supporters includes:

Tucson Police Officers Association

Tucson Firefighters Local 479

Tucson Police Command Association

Arizona Multihousing Association

Metropolitan Education Commission

Pima County Interfaith Council: a coalition of congregations, education organizations and non-profits

AFSCME Local 449

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

Pima Area Labor Federation

Casa Maria

Pima County Democratic Party

City of Tucson Retirees Association

JL Investments, Inc.

CWA Local 7000


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