Bush Admin Beats the Drums for Space Weapons

Michael Bryan

The lamest of lame duck Administrations continues to ratchet up fear and concern about unproven and non-specific threats to our space infrastructure in order to leave behind yet another expensive paranoiac turd hanging around America’s neck: an arms race in space the is as useless as it is ruinously expensive. Please read my earlier post … Read more

Drinking Liberally 12/14

Michael Bryan

It’s time once again for liberals to wander down to the old watering hole. You can see these wonders of nature this Thursday at the Shanty on 4th Avenue starting at 6pm. This once wary and skittish species have begun to throw off their camouflage and socialize openly with their own kind once again. They … Read more

Drinking Liberally 12/7

Michael Bryan

Drinking Liberally will be happening this Thursday starting at 6pm at the Shanty on 4th Avenue at the underpass. This week we will either be on the patio or inside the bar, depending on whether it’s just cold out or damn cold out. Dress warmly, but wear layers, is my advice. As with last week, … Read more

Iraq War Forum Tonight

Michael Bryan

Link: Harper’s Index for August 2006. "Ratio of the estimated U.S. cost of ratifying the Kyoto Protocol to the cost of the Iraq war so far: 1:1" Don’t forget. Tonight at 7pm is the DFA Tucson Iraq war forum at the Northwest Neighborhood Center. Be there.

Bolton Finished

Michael Bryan

Link: BBC NEWS | Americas | Controversial US envoy quits post. I couldn’t express what we all must be feeling any better (stick it up your joompa’, indeed…): I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how … Read more

Reading Liberally postponed until 12/13

Michael Bryan

This month only we are pushing back Reading Liberally from the first Wednesday of the month to the second Wednesday, Dec 13th. DFA Tucson is putting on a great forum on the Iraq war on the evening of the first Wednesday, Dec. 6th, and we don’t want anyone to miss either event. In January, Reading … Read more

Drinking Liberally 11/30 & Green Drinks 11/29

Michael Bryan

UPDATE: Pima County Supervisor Ray Carroll will be joining us this evening for a liberal dose of conversation. After a week’s hiatus to accommodate everyone’s Thanksgiving turkey-induced comas, Drinking Liberally is back to make your holiday season a little more merry. We will be meeting this week on Thursday at the Shanty on 4th Avenue … Read more

Good-bye to All That

Michael Bryan

The American Conservative: Good-bye to All That. I seldom simply recommend an article on my blog. That I’m doing so should be taken as evidence that this essay by Austin Bramwell, formerly a trustee of the conservative mouthpiece National Review, totally blew my hair back. A few intellectually honest conservatives have recently begun attempts to … Read more

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