Activist Courtney Frogge announces for LD 10 House


Press release : Courtney Frogge has officially filed to run for State House in Legislative District 10.

 “I was raised to believe that if you work hard and play by the rules, the State of Arizona was full of opportunity and you could have a piece of the American dream – a quality public education, start a business, raise a family, and have a secure retirement. This was true for generations and can be true again, which is why I am running for State House in Legislative District 10,” Courtney Frogge explained.

 With the announcement, also came strong local and statewide support. In the first days of the campaign, Courtney Frogge has earned the endorsements of Representative Bruce Wheeler, who is vacating the seat, as well as district incumbents Senator David Bradley and Representative Stefanie Mach.

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AG Brnovich should familiarize himself with the Rule of Holes

Crossposted from

Rule of Holes: When you’re in one, stop digging.

herrod brnovich rtIt’s possible that this isn’t an approving retweet by Cathi Herrod but, given her ardent support of Mark Brnovich in the election and her just being an all-around terrible person, I’d say it’s a safe bet that it is.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich decided to lash out at Republic columnist Laurie Roberts by euphemistically calling her a liar (“misleading”). Roberts merely directly quoted what was in the motion to dismiss filed by his office against a lawsuit filed by a rape victim alleging shocking negligence by the state prison. Here are some exact words from the motion:

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Vote for a ‘New Arizona Where We All Win’– Instead of Voting for the S.O.S. (video)

Vote for Fred, Felecia, Terry, David, Sandra, Jim, Ron, Victoria, Randy, and Steve. Vote for an Arizona where we all win. It’s time to dump the failed Tea Party policies that have left Arizona deeply in debt, sparked countless frivolous lawsuits that waste taxpayer money, created a laughing stock of our state, and left us … Read more

2014 General Election is all about APS; Republican voters should be very concerned

Crossposted from the Arizona Eagletarian

Yesterday afternoon, Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts asked the question, “Why is APS doling out cash to get Mark Brnovich elected?” It’s an excellent question.

Unfortunately, Roberts didn’t come up with an answer.

It’s not really a legitimate rhetorical question if the audience/readers cannot answer it for themselves. There is, however, a clear answer available. Voters — especially Republicans whose interests are being subverted — need to become aware of the background, reasons and the stakes involved.

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