City of Tucson Proposition 411 passes

The City of Tucson Elections Dept. published their special election results tonight: Prop. 411 Yes  52,844 No  19,149 “Proposition 411 is a proposal to amend the Tucson Charter authorizing a 10-year extension of a temporary half-cent (0.5%) sales tax to fund street improvements.” In the Choice is Yours booklet, there was no opposition … Read more

John C Scott back on KVOI

Podcast: What You Don’t Know About the Primary Elections

In this 9/1/18  interview on the John C. Scott Show  broadcast on KVOI 1030 AM, Blog for Arizona writer Larry Bodine reveals his insights about the August 28 Arizona primary races. Topics include: Who turned out to vote in the primary election? Was it Millennials and Latinos? Astonishingly, 100,000 people voted for a convicted racist crook. … Read more

Vote for AZ Candidates Who Support Marijuana Legalization

By The Downtown Dispensary, Tucson, AZ.

One of the most effective ways to fix federal marijuana laws is to elect candidates who share the same values as those of us who realize that marijuana is the actual solution to the opioid crisis and that the right to choose an alternative medicine is not something that people like Attorney General Jeff Sessions should have a say in. One of the most likely bills to begin solving the problem is the STATES Act that would recognize the legalization of cannabis. However, we need to elect officials who will help make it law.

We must also have a Governor and state administration who support access to cannabis. As some of you are still waiting on sending in your early ballots and with the election just 11 days away, we ask you to review the information below on some of the candidates in Arizona’s 2nd congressional district and the Arizona Governor’s race. We do not believe the 1st Congressional District and 3rd Congressional District will see a change in representation and wish Congressman Grijalva and Congressman O’Halleran the best of luck.

Thank you for exercising your right to vote!
Primary Election – August 28, 2018
General Election – November 6, 2018


Billy Kovacs – DEMOCRAT

“I fully support medical marijuana. We need to end the federal prohibitions on medical marijuana and allow the possession, production, and distribution of medical marijuana in states with established marijuana laws.”

According to Billy’s ads in the Tucson Weekly and the Arizona Daily Star, he supports the legalization of marijuana for adult use at the federal and state level.

SOURCE:  Billy Kovacs for Congress | Arizona Daily Star – Candidates

Ann Kirkpatrick – DEMOCRAT

Ann Kirkpatrick has voted to protect the rights of medical marijuana patients and dispensaries in 2015 but she does not support the legalization of marijuana according to statements she made at a candidate forum in Green Valley earlier this year.

SOURCE: Arizona Daily Star Vote Results – Roll Call (Rohrbacher-Blumenauer Amendment)

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Blog for Arizona

John C. Scott Radio Show Talks with Writer Larry Bodine

The John C. Scott Political Forum – 1030 KVOI AM Radio broadcaster John C. Scott interviewed Blog for Arizona writer Larry Bodine recently about: Candidate Yahya Yuksel staying in the race Negative ads by Ann Kirkpatrick vs. Matt Heinz. Bill Kovacs is a sexy beast. Mary Matiella – will Latinos and seniors vote for … Read more