What the MAGA House Republican Terrorist Default on America Act Would Mean for Arizona If It Were Enacted

Fortunately, voters do not have to think in the abstract when it comes to what would happen if, in some twisted alternate reality, Joe Biden actually signed the MAGA House Republican Terrorist Debt Ceiling Bill passed with less than a majority of the 435 Representatives last week.

Arizonans do not have to imagine much either thanks to the White House and their economics divisions releasing data on what draconian cuts the Grand Canyon State would face if Kevin it took me 15 rounds to become Speaker McCarthy’s and Marjorie Jewish Space Lasers are causing California wildfires Taylor Greene’s vision for the country became reality.

These cuts include:

  • Cutting rail safety inspections and up to six air traffic control towers.
  • Eighty-seven billion dollars in transit and highway infrastructure projects.
  • 3300 children losing access to Head Start and 4200 kids would not be able to go to Child Care.
  • Reductions in SNAP for 32,000 Arizonans would increase child poverty
  • Housing assistance would raise rental and mortgage prices for 5300 families.
  • Outpatient services for 186,100 veterans.
  • Food assistance for 17,000 senior citizens.
  • Potential loss of access to health care for 597,000 people.
  • Eighty million dollars for Title One Schools.
  • Reductions in support of 146,000 special needs children.
  • Eliminate the plan for student debt relief.
  • Reductions in the amount students can qualify for in Pell Grants.
  • Mental health support for children.

Notice none of these cuts the MAGA terrorists propose include Defense spending. Notice none of the ideas the MAGA terrorists advocate include repealing the debt-busting Bush and Trump Tax Cuts.

It seems, as always, the only ideas Republicans have for fiscal policy is to stick it to poor children, vulnerable senior citizens, and any infrastructure projects that will modernize the country and make the air, terrain, and waterways cleaner and safer.

When President Biden released his budget proposals a month before the MAGA Terrorists passed what Democrats are rightly calling the Default on America Act, he said:

“Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.”

Well, the MAGA Terrorist Republicans have shown their cards and they clearly do not value America or the American People.



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2 thoughts on “What the MAGA House Republican Terrorist Default on America Act Would Mean for Arizona If It Were Enacted”

  1. There used to be a time when veterans could count on other vets to “have their back.” Seems that’s broken in today’s GQP who seem to have adapted the motto, “Hooray for me and f**k you!”

  2. Eli Crane, who supports these cuts, ran on a platform of being a proud former Navy Seal and selling tacky bottle cap openers. Yet, he doesn’t seem to view 186,100 Arizona veterans worthy of protecting with the tenacity he does the J6 maga Domestic Terrorists he refers to as ‘political prisoners.’ Compare Crane’s betrayal with the behavior of another Arizona Veteran, former-marine Ruben Gallego who held the line inside the capitol on J6, has been quoted as saying, “his goal that day was for him and the rest of leadership to finish their jobs and make sure that everyone survived.” On J6, Gallego instinctually took a tactical and protective role against the so-called ‘political prisoners” (aka: maga Domestic Terrorists) by instructing people to put on their gas masks and telling them where to exit. Gallego believes 186,100 Arizona veterans are worthy of protecting. Crane believes in throwing them under the bus as tribute to an ugly red maga hat. Clearly: One of these veterans is not like the other.

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