Who Will Replace McCain?

Michael Bryan

Now that our McCain is the acknowledged front-runner and almost certain nominee of the Republican Party for President, what will happen to his Senate seat? If McCain follows the example of others in the race, such as Obama and Clinton, and nominees of the recent past, such as Kerry and Lieberman, nothing will happen to … Read more

McCain on Education

David Safier

by David Safier Wednesday I wrote a post, Obama on Education. Thursday it was Clinton on Education. Today it’s McCain’s turn. I planned to give you a detailed summary of McCain’s educational proposals like I did with Obama and Clinton, but I can’t, because there are no details on his Issues: Education page. His entire … Read more

Tucson Weekly’s White House Stunt Slows Hand Count Audit of Primary in Pima County

Michael Bryan

Jimmy Nintzel must have thought it would be a cute PR stunt for his paper that would widen voter participation and engagement with the primary election, but the Weekly’s Project Whitehouse turned out to be a big waste of time for the volunteers who performed the hand count audits of the election returns. It may … Read more

Guns in the Schools

David Safier

by David Safier Should we allow people with weapons permits to carry guns in schools? Let’s take a look at two very different scenarios: Two people bring their guns to work with them: Senator Karen Johnson, one of the legislators behind the guns-in-schools bill, and Ms. Johnson, a high school teacher. Senator Johnson sits in … Read more

PSA: Report Presidential Primary Election Irregularities and Problems

Michael Bryan

Your Democratic Election Integrity Committee is collecting Presidential Primary incident reports. Members of our committee will work through these identifying patterns to prepare for future elections. If you saw something happen be very specific in your report – who/what/when/where/how – please.  Avoid hearsay, which would cause us to waste time as we attempted to trace … Read more

America and Iraq: The Economic Background of the Conflict, by Guest Commentator Karl Reiner

Michael Bryan

Karlreiner002_2 When he launched his brutal invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein shocked the world.  As his forces callously swept over the small neighboring state, he also deliberately smashed a budding rapprochement with the United States.  Although Saddam’s government had been peddling regional stability as an objective, it viciously repudiated that policy when it went to war. American intelligence officers were stunned and mortified.  Their analyses of Hussein’s intentions regarding Kuwait had been wrong.  No one had seen the invasion coming – not even the Kuwaiti leaders fleeing in terror toward the Saudi border.            

During the early 1980s, Iraq’s emissaries to Washington began pushing to improve relations with the United States.  They said Iraq wanted to end the war with Iran.  In their newly found desire to promote regional stability, the Iraqis expressed a willingness to support whatever agreement the Israelis and Palestinians worked out.  Had the bitter war with Iran forced Saddam Hussein to alter his policies?  An emphasis on economic development, the calls for regional peace and closer cooperation with the United States were taken as signs that the government of a war-weary Iraq was bending to reality.

More of Karl’s unique first-hand perspective of the history of the Iraq conflict after the click…


“How Can Teens Be Hurt By That?”

David Safier

by David Safier Today’s Daily Star carried an op ed, Why schools should teach abstinence. The writer, Johnny L. Williams, doesn’t spend much time defending abstinence-only education. Instead, he tells stories about famous young people who held onto their virginity – an American Idol winner, a Miss USA, a basketball player. He ends the op … Read more

Want to be a Delegate to the Democratic Nominating Convention?

Michael Bryan

REMINDER: Delegate Selection Forms Due Thursday, Feb. 14th     The Delegate Selection process is moving quickly with the first deadline approaching fast! The Statements of Candidacy forms to become a District Level Delegate are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 14th. Whether the forms are hand delivered or sent through the mail, they … Read more

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